Posh People Mean's Posh Parties

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elegant or stylishly luxurious: a posh hotel.

British of a high social class: she has a very posh and refined voice | a dinner in London attended by posh people in evening dress | in a refined or upper-class way: he may talk posh, but there is nothing fancy about Basil.

the quality of being elegant, stylish, or upper class: we finally bought a color TV, which seemed the height of posh.

These are simple words yet, depending on the person they become quite influential. Every person goes through situations that make them observative. Let me be frank with you, Many prestigious families, jobs or school programs say dreams are nice to have but you need to be realistic. I do say they have the right concept yet, people need to see that for a dream to work you need to act on it, be smart, resourceful, and be a realist. Not to be narcissistic and all but I think I do a pretty good job at it.

I'm a realist and prefer the highest class, may sound snobbish, maybe bratty and poshy, yet a nice Loui vuitton to complete a girl's look isn't too shabby either. I coin words all the time and no can only be said by me, if there's a will there's a way. Say this may sound very basic but fur and diamonds are a girl's best friend right...well now you know what to get me at a party.

Yes, you have me pegged...a rich obsessed woman with a few minor obsessions. Though I'm a manipulative woman, I have a confession, I'm sly, smart and absolutely stunning. I may sound arrogant, puffed up and irresponsible, then again. I have a clean, smooth reputation, but that's also because I'm persuasive. I'm always prepared to find ways to manipulate anyone into my will, however, I do tend to make many enemies, so no drama is ever missing. Anyways, It was Saturday, and I had an abundance of splendid news! So yes, I had set a reservation at the LaGal -Gallet, at my prime usual suite, top floor penthouse preferred! If you want an elegant dinner, then I recommend having a good wine, or two, because my company will give you more than you're due. I don't care if it's expensive, I won't waste money on someone spending their money on themselves!

As soon as my chauffeur took me to the place I felt a bit nervous. A place such as this makes a person feel uncomfortable and insecure. The atmosphere was classy and well kept, the walls were made of dark wood yet painted white and gold, and the décor was tasteful. Yet Monica Fawn is never nervous around people, she embraces publicity and the public, yet the crowd attending her banquet was no public group, no not at all. Very much...Private. About 40 people will be there, her relatives, (aunts and uncle's, cousins and grandparents) Her most paid employees, her secretary and some of the press. Even some close contact celebrities who have requested a wardrobe from monica. Playing hostess is hard work indeed, so I must arrange everything according to the events criteria, even those small things will count. But let's be honest here, in her mind, it's not just about hosting the party but giving these people the proper impression of how important she is, as if she's the owner of this huge hotel. And this is how she treats her guests. "Yet I arranged tonights wardrobe for me and you Kim."

"Yes miss." "Oh, and create a list of all the allergies and food our guest can not have, and plan our dinner accordingly, make sure tarts are displayed in the front and I dare repeat last family dinner, Charles Jr throw up all over Marny, do make sure they have a "kid table" prepared."

"Yes Miss Fawn, anything else?" Kim asked politely as always while Monica was busy organizing everything.

"No, nothing else for now, you're dismissed."

"Alright, miss, thank you!" Kim nodded down and exited the room.

Monica took out a glass and filled it with water. She took a sip and exhaled slowly. This was supposed to be relaxing and after all this gathering was to celebrate her success. What was so successful? You must wait to see.

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