Clumsy With Class

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My troubles did not end there! As soon as Kim left, Mallory, my assistant burst through the door. "God, Mallory what is going on?" I said as I got up from the sofa. "Your father called." was all she would say before leaving. But this time she didn't: "Mr Burton has arrived." Great.

Oliver Burton,The first glance and the first word that came to mind was to his whole vibe, it was just so complex, he clearly had that going for him. Yet to his credit,

and my mother, who surely knew how to pick the right man for a job, Oliver was good at what he did. Burton's work was sloppy and misplaced, Just like himself, Which is why he's a perfect fit. He's keeping just anyone from suing me, (the attempts many: ) But the ruthless, complicated brands and models...

(A job my ex-lawyer failed to do. Harry Walker:)

He's not as charming as Harry Walker, But he's cute...and I surely wasn't eager for another walker boy, He was english by blood, though his clearly american fashion sense could beg a differ...he was a little awkward, His hands would constantly get tangled up or something like that, and he had this nervous tic which made me chuckle a bit when I found out...he wasn't the biggest talker either, It seems like he wasn't used to talking at all..

Oliver Burton the second glance and the first word I blurted was "yes!"

because I needed him. For reasons I will never understand, I knew I wouldn't have been able to handle the other models by myself. That alone was reason enough for me to be interested in hiring him and his small time firm: Yet as pleasant as it is to see Oliver, tonight was not the night to tell me that Jimmy Choo was suing my behind, all because our 1784 restored Clinti Lamore coat looks "too similar!" By the time he reached my suite he was soaked by his sweat. "Elevator?" I questioned. "Er, they said it was jammed. Took the stairs." He huffed catching his breath, "I can tell." I sighed. I poured myself a glass. "Drink?" I asked. "Yes please." We sat in silence. "So I see your name in the paper today..." Oliver started. "Well, winter is at its peak and so is fashion, Mitzfits and all are coming up..." I finished. Oliver chuckled. "So-"

"MONICA!!!" I heard. I looked up and yes, Shaniqua (a client of Claud Le Mont) rushed in: "I'm in london for a day thought I would stop by and-" She looked over to Oliver

"Hello~" She purred. I frowned. "Ahem Mr Burton, I assume your visit is to discuss business, unfortunately I'm preoccupied, yet let's schedule for Tuesday, Kim will help you."

"yeah sure."

As soon as he left I turned my attention over to Shaniqua, a world renowned pop star, who often asked Claud la mount for custom clothes, for her tour: "How are things Miss Shane."

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