Why even plan it?

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Plans Change...

In my suite there laid a gold box labeled Claud Lemont. I tend to smile at the label, it was a bold statement screaming, "you did it darling."

After all, it is the brand I spent 20 years building. There in that very tasteful box my evening gown laid in peace. Today I would be the woman in the room, the one calling the runs, the spotlight would shine on me tonight! I took the diamond necklace from its drawer and held it between my hands, the diamonds were cold and perfect. Today was the day that I could walk down those stairs and become one of the richest people on the planet, My success, my money and my fame, would be on display and the only thing keeping me from truly touching it was a thick glass case, now, the case is gone, and I get to taste the true meaning of hard-work and being on the top. I had every second planned out, every minute had a purpose. Every person had a job. For catering I hired not just any chef, but the famous TV Icon Chief Robert De Hellen. I knew his schedule like the back of my hand. The only other person I trusted enough to hire was Chef William, who also worked as my personal chef. No doubt the party would be prefec-

"Miss fawn we have a slight issue..." Kim said, I felt my heart drop to my stomach, what if this wasn't going to work? "I'm sorry Miss fawn, your friend, Miss Korynne de Vries has called to say her band is unable to perform, they're stuck at the airport and won't be able to arrive in london until tomorrow." Kim said. Great, our entertainment is late, and well it isn't too bad. There are tons of decent sounding musicians in london...

"Find another act then." "Yes miss.There's another performer available. You'll be pleased to know they are a young female, Miss Kitty McDaniel, Her voice is amazing" "Fine fine..." Kim said I smiled my biggest smile "Send her in at once." Kim nodded "Alright miss...will do" Kim left the room and I turned to look at myself, I put the necklace back into its rightful place, I went to the bedside table and pulled the bottle out of its hiding place. I poured a drink, and sighed. "God lets hope this doesent turn into Chao's!" I sat down on the edge of my mattress, I drank a bit more and closed my eyes, before setting the bottle back into its resting spot "You know what...I dont care anymore." My mind was empty, all I cared about was the future. Soon a knock came at the door and I answered it. "Miss fawn I brought Ms.McDaniel in here" She bowed and gestured inside I stepped aside letting her enter "Good evening ma'am" She said curtsying. I looked at the brunette next to me and smiled I extended my arm. "Ms. McDaniel how nice to finally meet you." "Thank you so much miss fawn, It'll be a dream to preform at this gathering for you"Well, now you have me quite eager to hear you sing Ms.McDaniel." I smiled. She showed us some demo's and said I asked her to preform songs from sinatra and so, and that was that. By then it was around noon, and I was sceduled to meet the 'gossipe girl' magazine for an interview. So, after bidding farewell to Ms. McDaniel I headed downstairs. On my way out of the front door I met up with my chauffeur. "What seems to be the problem Mr.Taylor?" I asked. "We've received a call from your agent, it seems traffic is backed up, if we leave we wont be bakc till six ma'me." "Oh..." I wondered if the traffic would affect guest arrival for my party, no No NO! "I guess we need to think of another plan to meet them, Kim call the gosspie girl and tell them to meet us here." "Yes miss." I sighed, as I watched my chauffeur leave, Nothing going according to plan....

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2023 ⏰

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