Season 1 Chapter 1

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Quick note :
Y/n is 24 as so is Iris (me👀) we are twins but you are older than me
(T/MOM) =Su Moting's mom
(T/Dad) = Su Montig's dad
(L/n) = last name
(Y/n) = your name
(M/n) = our mom's name
(D/n) our dad's name

3rd P. O. V
(In the (L/n) 's household

(Iris sleeping on there twin' s shoulder while Y/n is scrolling through their phone)

(D/n) : Hey kids we need to talk to you about something

(Iris still asleep while Y/n does not keep their eyes of their phone)

(D/n) : Listen your mother and I think it's time we told you the truth about something we have been hiding from you guys for years.

Y/n: Mmh, (looks up from their phone) OH hey dad when did you get in the room?

(D/n) : (confused) I have..... been here for the past hour.

Y/n: Really, oh well then I didn't see you there (smiles)

(D/n) :(Unamused and irritated )... Just wake up your sister please

Y/n: Oh yah sure (looks at Iris) hey wake up, You literally where only awake for 2 hours before going to sleep on me ad your heavy. Plus dad wants to talk to us

Iris :( mumbling) Geez is sleeping illegal in this house now. (notices D/n) OH hey dad when did you get here

(D/n) : Don't worry about it at this point. (clears throat) Okay kids your mother and I have been talking and you know we love you kids very much

Iris : (whispers) Why do I feel like a "but" is coming

Y:n: (whipser back) same

(D/n) : But we believe you two are ready to find out the truth about us and please do not let it change the way you see us and view us as your parents cause we live you

(Y/n and Iris looking at each other nervously)

Y/n : What is going on?

(D/n) : Kids your mother and I have been living a lie... You see where both not from this dimension. I am a God and your mother is a Elf .


(Iris and Y/n laughing)

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(Iris and Y/n laughing)

D/n : (confused) Why are guy kids laughing I am being serious

(Iris and Y/n still laughing)

M/n : Your dad is being serious children now pack you bags we are going somewhere we will explain everything properly to you there .

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