Episode 1 :Part Whatever

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(. ((... )) is what they are hearing through the walls)

(The trio look and SG look at the while as they hear fighting on the other side)

(Fighting heard at a distance:Woman : I don't want to live with you anymore!)

(King and Iris get a glass to listen through the wall while Y/N and SG looks at them weirdly)

( Mam:Well if you don't like it, then get a divorce
Woman : Fine! Good.
Man, : You take the house, I get the CAR. Sign it or I will see you in court!
Woman :What about the kid?
Man:      Poor kid!
Women :Poor kid
Man :Well let's forget about it.
Woman : I guess so.... Come on I love you.
Man :I love you too )

Ming : That's terrible. It's to noisy
Y/n :Agreed I don't want to hear fighting every night
Iris :Speak for yourselves! I LIVE FOR THIS!

(Ming and Y/N glare at Iris)

Iris :..... You know what I enjoy a peaceful environment after all

SG :You went and listened to it yourself!

Iris :Oh hush I was just invested so sue me!

(The next apartment)

SG: This one is definitely quite with no neighbors around.

(Ming lieing on the bed) No, : Not good enough

(SG looks at (her confused ) : Why

Ming: I can't reach the light

SG : if you could simply move a bit

Ming :Nothing can get me out of bed except to urinate... NOTHING!

Y/n :... The kitchen is kind of small

Iris : No neighbors... Then who will I gossip with? NO GOOD ENOUGH

SG : (claps his hands) Well the see! Automatic smart home devices! Auto dishwasher, Auto dryer. We even got a auto toilet!
What else can you expect?

Ming (on her phone) : Still not good
Iris (yawns) :Agreed
Y/n (Shakes their head) :It's a no for me

SG :Again? Excuse me?

Ming :Hey there is no Wi-Fi in the wardrobe

(SG looks at them frustrated) :Why the heck do you need Wi-Fi in the wardrobe?

Ming :It's because of costly data.

(SG looks at them in complete shockand takes them to various houses )


Y/N :This soda taste terrible how do I watch television while drinking this!?

Ming : Shitty water heater,Ugly tiles.

(The last house)

Ming : Let's see what we have in this one

( A mysterious stranger appears and puts their hand on SG's shoulder :)

Mystery man : it's not done yet?

SG : That's right

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2023 ⏰

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