Part 1

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After walking Away from Xavier all she could think about was: Why? Why had he gone out of his way to Buy her a 21st century electronic device that by the way she refuses to become a slave to. After All she put him in jail. Not only accused him of being The Hyde, went through his private property More then once and she get thanked for it? Was this his way of torture.

Nothing added up. Yes she took an arrow for him but she also risked my life for this school. God damn it Wednesday your doing it again. As She traces her mind back to what Xavier said when he was behind bars. She does only care for herself. But Nobody saw the vulnerable state she portrayed while she was possibly on her last wishes. Enid was no where to be fount she had disappeared probably enlightening her parents with the good news.

Just as Wednesday was about to head out of the building she takes one last glance towards Weems office. She truly enlightened Wednesday to new routes. As she got into the car which echoed with any movement and lurch kept his quiet tone. Literally staying quiet. She realised how much she had learned from this place. Maybe she was going to start growing a back bone this break.

Just as she's waiting to reach home so she can continue to torture Pugsly with her new ways the electronic had pinged. As Wednesday looked at the messages slowly as she learned how to actually used the device. She had been threatened by some type of stalker. Had Xavier Set her up as his revenge. But she realised it couldn't be as his number was saved and this number was in known.

As she began to think about Xavier she couldn't help but be tempted to text him. After all she did have at least another 15 minutes before the journey came to an end. Thing sat beside her telling her to do it. But Wednesday's pride took over her as she just placed the phone back in the box tucked away in her bag.

"Your really not going to text him at least once?" Signalled Thing as he tapped away. " I told you I refuse to become a living slave in the 21st century, now speak anymore of it and I can't promise you that u will make it back with all your fingers!" Wednesday coldly enlighten thing as he hollows to hide away with fear.

However on the other side. He sat at home hoping for that text to appear. What was he thinking? A phone really? He felt dumb what did he expect he knew Wednesdays opinions on technology. Or maybe she just doesn't know how to use it.

He starts to think back to his easier days with her. "Helppppp" the ten year old boy muffled. He didn't expect anyone to hear him. He trapped himself in his own Godmothers coffin while playing hide and seek. Genius Place to think of to begin with until he let the heavy weight lid fall to a close. Ge was in there for a good 20 minutes. Till he heard an little squeaky voice.

"Stop! Someone is in there!" With that being said she began to lift the lid to reveal a mortified boy looking at her with all emotions. As she helped him out he smiled at her just getting a ghost stare back in return. He had never seen this girl in his life. But he knew something was different about her. Just from how she was dressed.

"Thank you" He said to the petite girl. "Don't thank me emotions are for the weak. And also putting ur life at near cremation is for the stupid. Next time be glad I don't let them kill you. I love a good murder and a funeral." The walking horror version of a doll spoke looking at the body of his godmother. "I'm Xavier... Xavier Thorpe" he emphasises the first name trying to be enlightened by the girls acknowledgement. " Wednesday Addams...And that is all you need to know. Nothing less and nothing more"

As he begins to think to present day he realises he did indeed need to know more. Ever since that day he would see something terrible happen and think of her and how'd she would react. To say he didn't have feelings for the girl would be a lie but her word's somehow stuck to him "emotions are for the weak". He knew he most likely wouldn't hear from Wednesday let alone receive and answer if he did try contacting.

He was left at a dead end. Unlike Wednesday who was opened to a new path. But will her path lead to his dead end?

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