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Beaded lights snaked their way up old metal streetlights, in a mocking display of candy canes. Their lights shimmered against the half-melted snow and scattered rock crystals that lined the chipped city sidewalk. The cracks and dips in said sidewalks tripped the shivering caroling groups who went from door to door in their thin party city Christmas Carol costumes. Any tune they sang was lost in the blistering traffic of last-minute holiday shopping and vacation travels. In the center of town stood a large Christmas tree, decked in gold and silver, reflecting the lights of traffic into the nearby apartments. A smaller menorah had been set nearby, hidden in the tree's shadow.

Six days till Christmas. Six days till it's all over. He threw his body over the ledge, allowing the flesh and white hair to freely flow in the cold still air. On a usual night one could look up and see the boy in while zip and dash through the air like a thunderbolt. But six days before Christmas there was no ghost or criminal to distract him from the gross cheer of the holidays. Danny rolled his eyes at it all. For he no longer hated Christmas but now was utterly apathetic to it all. The lights and glitter made him weary, the pageantry gave him fatigue, and the pushback to his lack of joy was exhausting.

The faces on those around him when they learned he did not enjoy Christmas was like he had shot their childhood dog. And when he explained the reason why, they looked at him as if he was delivering said dog's ashes. Dash was not one someone would look forward to, but his teasing was a welcome distraction to the prodding questions from classmates.

"Is it okay if we play Christmas music?" Star asked with a nervous fretting. Danny didn't care.

"You don't mind if we play some holiday games?" Kwan asked, looking to the other for backup. Danny said it was fine, most of the games were normal games that now featured gingerbread men.

"Danny, read Ebenezer Scrooge's next few lines," Mr. Lancer said in a tone that indicated that he did not call on him randomly. Danny, annoyed, read the over bloated book aloud.

Floating through the brightly lit buildings, he passed through the office buildings, and saw the cubicles decked in tinsel and dollar store decorations. Mariah Carrie's voice faintly echoed through the glass. Danny wondered if those parties were mandatory. With a sigh he turned to the sky, watching the snow flutter down in lazy spiral patterns. Their brilliance illuminated by the city lights like a falling consolation of stars. Slowly the noise of the cars faded past the background noise into a far-off winter ambiance. Drifting above it all his shoulders relaxed, with the rest of his body following suit.

BANG! White light grazed his hair, rising beyond him before erupting into flames. He heard the sound of a weapon reloading before the noise of the city returned to him. Two Guys in White stood on the old office roof, their thick sunglasses standing out against it all. A second white blast came for him, zagging through the air like lightning. Danny grabbed his chest and ripped his chest into two, a neon green string took the place of where his spine once was, it was now connecting the two halves. The flaming bolts passed through the unoccupied space with ease, and after the disconnected halves slammed against each other with a wet smack , the ectoplasam to fused back together.

"Is that the best you got?" Danny yelled.

The agent to the right cocked his gun, its shape changing into a large multi-barrel gun. Gunshots drowned out the Agent's comeback. He ducked down low, with a trail of silver bullets following him like a shadow. Destroying branches, and decorations alike.Swinging around the streetlamp, Danny threw his body towards the building, flying close to the windows to avoid their gaze. Rising to the roof a metal bat collided with his head. Bouncing off the rooftop, the last thing he saw was a silver taser being jabbed into his side.

The Night Before Christmas when Clockwork Fought the Ghost KingWhere stories live. Discover now