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Part 3-Pumpkin

"Sir...SIR! I have news!!!" Casey says as The Prez does his best to ignore the intrusion.

"Can't you see that I'm busy with this exquisite beauty?!" He snips back as he glides his hand sensuously over hunter B-15's voluptuous naked hip

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"Can't you see that I'm busy with this exquisite beauty?!" He snips back as he glides his hand sensuously over hunter B-15's voluptuous naked hip.

She's lying naked on the bed facing him on her side

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She's lying naked on the bed facing him on her side.

"You see this Casey, this is the body of a goddess!" He adds as he leans in and kisses hunter B-15 softly on the lips. "She's GLORIOUS!" He says after pulling out of the kiss. "She is sir...she's also naked" Casey says nervously as he looks everywhere except at her.

"Casey, are you intimidated by this masterpiece?" The Prez asks. "I um...I...I..." Casey stutters. "Oh my dear boy have you never been with a woman before?!" He then asks with a devilish smirk. "No..no sir, I have not" Casey says looking away ashamed. "Well then, we're going to change that, but not with this delicate flower. Hunter B-15 is my special stash. I have someone else in mind for you" he snickers with a wink.

"Now what is it that you wanted to tell me?" The Prez asks as he leans in and starts licking B-15's breast with his tongue

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"Now what is it that you wanted to tell me?" The Prez asks as he leans in and starts licking B-15's breast with his tongue. She wraps her hand around his golden horn and tips her head back closing her eyes.

"It's um...it's the other variant, the Sylvie one. I think that we've found her!" Casey says. "You think? Either you did or you didn't, which is it boy?!" The Prez impatiently asks with a stern glare. "We did. We just aren't sure which one is actually her. You know, the one who screwed up the timelines. There's multiple versions of her in the same timeline right now" Casey explains.

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