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"Hello Riri. It's nice to see that you answer your phone. A simple text would have been sufficient as well......Who is this?"

I stared at the strange woman in the doorway. She seemed kind but also terrifying at the same time. If looks could kill, I would be 6 feet underground right about now. Riri and I had made eye contact and then looked at the woman again.

"This is Alora Hunter. She is a really good friend of mine."

"Nice to meet you. Tell her to leave."

I looked between the both of them. I was unsure as to what to do. Do I stay and risk possible death from this unknown woman or do I leave Riri to her potential demise?

"Maybe you should go. I'll talk to you later tonight."


"I WILL call you tonight, okay? I'll be alright."

I hesitated. I didn't want anything bad to happen to her. But she seemed sure she knew what she was doing. I looked at the woman and gave her a timid smile. I turned to Riri and told her that I would be waiting. I went to walk out the door when the woman stopped me.

"It would be wise not to mention I was here."

"Got it!" I squeaked out.

I squeezed past the woman and made my way to my car. As I was walking, I saw 4 men in suits walking to towards the dorms. I shrugged it off and got in my car. When I got home, my dachshund Otis greeted me at the door. I petted him and the saw my mom come out of the kitchen.

"I thought you were hanging out with Riri tonight?"

"I was but, uh, something came up. With her. So.....yeah.......Well, goodnight!"

"Wait, wait, wait, wait.......Alora, it's only 5. You're really going to bed at 5? Before you've eaten dinner? What's going on? Why did you leave Riri's?"

"I told you. Something came up. No biggie."

My mother looked at me as though she knew I wasn't telling the whole truth. She and I had what had to of been the longest staring contest ever. I went to walk upstairs where my room was only for my mom to block the way with her arm.

"Alora.....What's going on?"

"A cousin of hers came and wanted a visit. It was a surprise. I left so they could spend some time together seeing as her cousin is only here until tomorrow."

Man.....I don't know whether it's a good thing I can lie so fast or a bad thing. Either way, my mom seemed to believe me. She told me not to go to bed right away since dinner would be ready at 7. So I hustled up the stairs, put my bag down, grabbed my phone and sat down on my bed. When I tell you I stared at my phone for 2 hours, I'd hope you'd believe me. The worry I was feeling for Riri was overwhelming to say the least. My mom called me down for dinner so begrudgingly I made my way downstairs. Both of my parents were sitting at the table. I instantly felt dread. My dad and I......had a complicated relationship. Every night seemed like World War 3 at dinner. My dad always seemed to have some issue with my life. Whether it be about money, how I dress, or who I hang out with. You name it, we've fought about it.

"So, Alora, how was work today? Anything interesting happen?" My mom asked while cutting up her chicken.

"Just the usual. If the usual is to get yelled at by random people during your shift."

"Well, you could have a better job and not have to deal with people if you went to college, not to mention the money you would make!"

I closed my eyes and held my breath. Here we go. Every night. Every night this happens.

"Dad, can we not do this tonight? For once? Can we go one meal without you criticizing my whole existence?"

"You don't want to make anything of yourself. That's why I criticize. Because you have no drive. No desire to do something with your life. But you do you! Keep being miserable with this dead end job you have. I mean, your friend is a genius. She's going to have a fantastic life filled with opportunities. What will you have, Alora? Nothing but struggles. And I won't help you. Not anymore."

The whole time he was berating me, I was looking in my lap. That's my dad for you. Degrading, belittling, and insulting. Towards me in specific. As he kept telling me how big of a disappointment I was, my mother slammed her hands on the table, interrupting him.

"Can we stop now? This is the one time of day that I see the both of you, to spend time with both of you, and have family time. Can we dispense with the fighting? For one night?"

"She doesn't do anything! Ever! And I'm done caring for her! Alora, I will not have this anymore! You can pack up your shit and get out of my house! Now!"

My mother looked between the both of us in disbelief. I made no noise. No sign of emotion on my face. All I did was stand up and walk up to my room. When I got there I grabbed a bag and started to pack. If he wanted me out so bad, then I'll leave. My mother had come up a few minutes later and tried to convince me to stay. Let's just say she was not successful. I made my way downstairs where he was. He was yelling at me on my way out the door.

"Where are you going to go? You have no money to pay to live on your own!"

"Do you want me out or not?!? And it doesn't matter where I go. I'll figure it out. You don't have to worry about me anymore!"

"Alora, please don't leave! We all need to sit down and have a discussion about this!" My mother said in desperation.

"There isn't anything to talk about. I'm done. I'm out. Goodbye."

I slammed the door but realized I forgot something. I opened up the door again for my parents to stare at me. My father asked why I was back. I said nothing as I grabbed my dog and started towards the door.

"You can't take the dog!!" My father exclaimed.

"He's my dog. So yes, I am."

I walked out to my car with my father shouting at me from the porch. I put my stuff in the car along with my dog. When I got in, I blared my music and drove to the one person I could rely on, count on. Riri's. I just hope that scary lady was gone.......and Riri was ok.

Drowning in a Ocean of DreamsWhere stories live. Discover now