S-Stan? 💔

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A/N Oops I made another angst story also will be out of character sometimes sorry for that.

Modern day AU


Stanley's POV

Me and Bill where going to hang out to day! I'm so excited I haven't told anyone yet but I have a crush on Bill.

I was getting ready, and then I got a phone call. I saw that Bill was calling so I picked up "H-Hey, Stan!" "Hey Bill what's up?" "I'm s-sorry to s-s-say that w-we have to c-cancel the p-plans." "Oh.. okay bill!" I say and immediately hang up.

"I can't believe he canceled our plans!" I say out of frustration. I was mad at him but he probably had something important to do.

Bill's POV

Me and Stan where planning out to hang out to day. Me and him are best friends and I was happy I was going to see him. Then I got a call form Bev "Hey, B-Bev!" "Hey Bill, I was wondering if we can hang out today?" I don't know what to say she's my girlfriend but I have plans with Stan. "S-sure" I say not realizing what I said "Okay Bill see you at the quarry?" She says while hanging up. Well now I have to cancel my plans with Stan, great.

I call him and tell him we need to cancel are plans he sounded like he was fine with it.

Stanley's POV

Well, because now I have the whole day to my self I might go to the quarry.

*time skip*

When I got to the quarry I just sat there looking at the water. I heard birds and got excited I saw one and just stared at it untill it moved.

I moved to a new spot because it was getting hot where I was sitting.

I heard yelling so I just guessed it was some kids playing in the water.

I was about to leve when I here someone yell the name Bill it could be any one but I still checked.

What I saw made me want to cry... it was Beverly and Bill. I couldn't believe it he canceled our plans so he can hang out with is girlfriend he keeps on saying he'll break up with.

I ran home with tears in my eye. I was crying for the rest of the day.

*the next day*

Bill's POV

Me and Beverly had a good day yesterday. I'm going to call Stan and tell him that we can hang out today.

I call him but no answer. "H-He might just still b-be sleeping" I say not to worry.

Stanley's POV

I woke up with a headache most likely form all the crying I did yesterday.

I check me phone and see that Bill had called. I wasn't going to call back I was mad at him.

I went down stairs and saw my dad. "Hi" I say not trying to get on his nerves. "Hey fairy boy" he said

Last year he found out I was gay, and now he tortures me with names I don't think any dad would call his son.

"Where were you all day yesterday?" He said "I was at the quarry just bird watching." I say so he doesn't get suspicious. I mean I'm not lying either.
"Is that so?" "Yes father" I say getting worried that he was going to hit me.

*time skip bc I'm not writing about that*

Bill's POV

I called Stan again and he didn't answer I was getting worried because it's 2:15 and he always up by that time.

I would go to his house but I think his dad is home and his dad doesn't like me.

Stanley's POV

This is it the night I end it all. There's no point in living any more if the one I love won't love me back and my home life is just shit.

I walked to my room and I have a medicine cabinet and I look for some sleeping pills.

"Found them" I say in a whisper I poured out 4 of them I put them on my desk as I wrote my notes to the Losers

The bills note was the one I put the most effort in it was different from the other Losers notes but I didn't care.

I texted all the Losers saying I love them

Then I went and sat at my bed I picked up my 4 sleeping pills and took my final breath as I took them.

Bill's POV

I get a notification on my phone it was Stan. I immediately opened it. He texted me 'I love you' heat came to my face he didn't mean it right? I texted back 'I love you too Stan' no answer... he's probably busy.

I texted him again 'Stan are you okay?' Still no answer.

At this point I was scared was he okay?

I have to wait so his dad doesn't get mad at me or stan.

*the next day*

Bill's POV

I went to Stan's house because his dad was gone today. I knock but no answer... I went in because for some reason the door is unlocked.

"S-Stanley!?" I yell still no answer... I'm scared. "Stanley!" I walk to his room its open a little Stan looked like he was sleeping.

I walk in Stan is sleeping and go to him and he looks a little pale and feels cold.

I shake him but he doesn't wake up I check his pulse... no pulse.

"No- Stan please!" I yell I can't believe it he killed himself because of me. I started crying I can't believe it he's gone.

I call his dad even though he hates me
"What the fuck, are you calling me for?" He yells into the phone. "I-its Stanley" I say "what's up with him? Did you catch him kissing a boy?" "N-No sir he- he died" I say trying not to break down. Stanley's dad hangs up.

I call the rest of the Losers so we can meet up so this is easier for me to tell them at the same time.

*at the clubhouse*

I was the first one there I still had tear stains on my face. Bev was the first Loser to show up "Don't say anything right now" I say with out studdering..

*When all of the Losers are at the clubhouse*

"Bill why did you want all of us here, and why isn't Stan here?" Richie asked "I-I needed to t-tell you Something" "what is it?" Mike asked

"Its the r-reason S-Stan isn't here" I say trying not to break down crying
"Tell us Bill" All of them say "S-Stan killed himself" I say crying

I could tell that this hit too "y-your lying, right Bill?" I shake my head 'no' they all look at the verge of crying.

"Here" I say handing them a note from Stan. We all read them still cry hard.

Mine read:

'Bill I'm sorry for what I did, but it had to happen. My life was always bad until I met Eddie, Richie, and you. You guys where the reason I didn't kill myself sooner. But now that I know that I can never have you, it cried.
But Bill, I've always loved you more then any of the Losers. Then when I found out that I was gay it hit me, I had a crush on Bill denbrough. I'm still sorry for this but always remember I love you forever.
-Love Stanley Uris.'

I cried more knowing that Stan loved me.

That's the end of this oneshot I feel like I could make this story go on forever but I need to stop somewhere I might make a part 2 but probably not

- Love Ash/Boris/Griffin/Finn

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