Part 9

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Marcus had come over late last night and we had smoked a spliff together and he must have let himself out as i so clearly passed out on the sofa as I woke up to the sun shining on my face through the window. I looked at my phone and I could see multiple text messages waiting for me to read.

I opened the group chat I had with the other girls, attempting to scroll up to the top of the messages but that shit was far too long so I just called Abby. "Hey" she greeted me through the phone. "Hey" I responded as I got up from the sofa and walked into the kitchen to make a coffee.

"What times the school sleepover thing?" I asked as I prepped my coffee. "In like an hour and a half" she said excitedly down the phone. "Want me to pick you up? I can take all of you?" I offered to which she happily accepted. "I'm so glad my mum isn't having to drive us now" she laughed down the phone.

"I'll pick you guys up in like an hour and a half" I stated as I sat on kitchen work top as I waited for my coffee to make. "Fashionably late, I like it, what are you wearing though?" She asked curiously. "Uh, pyjamas" I stated, I kinda though that was the whole point of it.

"Oh and I'm not wearing the top with the initial on, how am I supposed to look hot wearing that" I laughed and so did she. "I'm going to be wearing that and my new harbours" she said. "Harbours?" I asked, having no idea what that meant. "They're jeans" she responded as if I should have known what they were. "Right! Anyway I've got to go, my coffee is calling my name" i grinned as I held the hot mug in my hand. "Laters" she stated before hanging up the phone.

Soon it had been an hour and all I had done was drink my coffee and shower. It took me a few minutes to find the pyjamas that I was doing to wear and I settled on small sage green lace vest top and when I mean small, I mean at least two sized too small. I hadn't meant to buy it that small but at least it gave me enough support to not need a bra. I paired it with a matching pair of green and black plaid pyjama trousers.

I blow dried my hair and applied my usual heavy eye make up and lip gloss and it was soon time to leave. I grabbed the booze and put it in a handbag along with the rest of my coke before heading out the door and parking outside Ginny and Max's house. I remained in the car, honking my horn to let them know I was there.

Max came running out first along with Ginny, her mother standing at the door waving towards me. I waved back with a smile on my face as they both hopped in my car, max calling the front seat. I had shortly after picked up Abby and Norah,

"I can't believe you're not wearing your shirt" Max whined from the front seat, her voice loud above the blaring music. "How am I meant to get bitches without my tits out" I yelled back and laughed. "Hey! You've got a pretty face too" Norah laughed from behind me. "Awh thanks hun" I thanked and the rest of the girls burst out in a fit of laughter.

Waiting at the front of the school was Ginny, Max and Norahs mothers, I guess Ginnys mum had beat us here. "Hey girls" Norah's mum greeted up as she stared at the other girls initialled tops. "M-mang, like mango" she attempted to read their tops but was shut down by her disapproving daughter.

I had stopped paying attention to the girls and their mums when I saw press leaning against the door leading to the school. He wore similar plaid trousers to me and a baggy black shirt that did not hide his muscles one bit. I couldn't take my eyes off him as he was stood, chatting to Brody and Jordan.

"Earth to Evangeline" Max called as she flicked her fingers in front of my face, pulling me out of a trance I didn't realise I was in. Ginnys mum picked up my wrist and placed a wristband on it. "Let's go!" Max yelled, linking arms with me and the other girls. "Now you girls behave okay?" Ginnys mum warned. "Uh huh" her daughter responded back as we walked inside the school and towards the boys.

"Well don't you look amazing" Brody said towards the group of us, his eyes lingering on Abby for a moment longer than the rest of us. I looked to Press who was also unashamedly staring me up and down with a grin on his face. "Who's ready to dance?" Jordan yelled as he began to walk into the direction of the music.

I hung back from the group slightly, waking side by side with Press. "Like what you see?" I asked, his eyes still fixated upon me. "Always" he whispered as we entered the hall where the music was playing. Coloured lights and stalls filled the usually empty space and it was actually rather strangely fancy for a school event. In the centre of the room was the supposed dance floor with a disco ball hanging from the centre and strobe lights.

"Okay so I've scoped out the joint and come up with a game plan" Hunter announced as he came up to us from 'scoping out the joint'. "I came up with a game plan" he grinned as he mainly spoke to Ginny. "I love a game plan" Brody yelled as he came running up to hunter.

"Here's my game plan, let's get weird!" He yelled, pulling the two to the dance floor. "Have you got the booze?" Brody whispered in my ear and I turned to look at him with a raised eyebrow. "When do I not have alcohol" I grinned as everyone began to dance. "That's my girl!" Brody yelled as he moved his body in a terrifying manner as he attempted to dance.

I wanted to embrace the music but I couldn't fully as I was stone cold sober. I excused myself and quickly made it to one of the bathrooms, it was kind of difficult to find seen as this is only like my third day of being in this school but luckily I managed to find it before getting too lost.

I walked into one of the cubicles, making sure to look the door as I grabbed the drugs from my bag, scooping the powder into my nail before doing the bump and then another for safe measure. It was funny that I was doing class A drugs in the school toilets, wasn't the first time and certainly won't be the last.

I cleared my nose up and walked back towards the hall, just following the music as I had no idea where it actually was. As I got back to the rest of the group max grabbed my hand, hauling me over to where the rest of the girls where, stood besides a Photo Booth.

"Where were you?" Max asked as she stopped in front of the booth. "Toilet" i said, telling the partial truth. She shrugged her shoulders as she ran into the Photo Booth, letting the camera flash before Abby ran in with her. Each one of us going in after the next until we were all inside taking photos and posing together.

We posed again and again, changing positions and sitting on each others laps. I could feel the coke began to work as my heart started to race, the flash almost blinding my now widened pupils. "Hey gals, mind if I take some pictures with Ginny?" Hunter asked as he stuck his head through the curtain. "Sure" I giggled as we all exited the booth allowing them some alone time.

I grabbed the photos that we had taken out of the side of the booth, flicking through the many that we had taken. I came to the last strip of photos and in each one the flash turned my pupils a glowing red, my eyes widened slightly at the sight of it before I quickly stuffed the bad one in my pocket so no one else could see it before handing the rest to max.

We walked back to the dance floor as a song blared that just screamed 'Cupid shuffle' and everyone began to side step and dance together but I was at a complete loss. "Ain't no way you don't know the Cupid shuffle" Press said as he stepped towards my confused expression. "What do you think?" I said sarcastically as I looked around at everyone who knew exactly what they were doing.

He rolled his eyes and took my hands in his. "Let me show you how to do it"

Bad love - Press | Ginny and GeorgiaWhere stories live. Discover now