Part 18

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"What took you guys so long?" Max groaned as the rest of the girls stood like weirdos outside Brodies house. "You can't rush beauty" I laughed as me and Ginny walked up to them. "Did you actually get your costumes from a sex shop?" Norah asked with a confused expression as our outfits looked a lot more revealing and adult than theirs.

"Hell yeah they did" Abby screamed joyously. "Shh, keep your voice down, we need the perfect entrance" Max hushed as she looked inside the house to check everyone was in the basement. "Okay team, fall in" she whispered as she ran inside the house, sticking to the walls to keep cover. "What kind of action film is this" I laughed in a hushed tone.

"An intense one" Abby laughed as we walked like normal people into the house. "Okay, me first, then Lina, then Abby, then Ginny, then Norah" Max explained as she straightened out her outfit. "We have to look in unison, so one devil and then an Angel and repeat, got it" Max ordered like this was the end of the world.

Max began to strut down the staircase into the basement when a new song started and we could hear everyone begin to cheer, guess it's my turn now. "See you on the other side ladies" I laughed as I began to walk down after Max.

Keeping my hand firmly placed on the rail I walked in the most hip swinging fashion I could, careful not to trip and fall on my face. Once I got to the bottom of the staircase I posed, pouting my lips before breaking out in a grin and walking over to Max.

I watched the others all make their entrance doing the same hip swing and pose. "Who's ready for shots" I yelled and everyone began to scream and crowd around the table filled with booze. Bringing out the vodka that was in my bag I began to fill up mine and my friends shot glasses again and again until they couldn't down any more.

"Want to give you favourite person some booze" Press whispered from behind me before stepping to the side to let me have a good look at him and I couldn't help but laugh at his costume. "What are you supposed to be?" I laughed as I filled up his shot glass. "Black mirror" he said with a laugh but stopped when he took in my confused expression.

"You don't know what black mirror is?" He asked and I just shook my head lightly. "Popular Netflix show?" He said as if trying to jog my memory but that only made me more confused, what the fuck was Netflix. "Netflix?" I asked and his eyes widened to a point where I thought they were going to pop out of his head.

"Right, tomorrow you are coming to mine and I'm going to show you what netflix is" he grinned as I downed another shot. "Now enough about that, you look angelic" he smirked and I couldn't help but laugh even harder. "Why thank you mirror boy" I stated as I poured us another shot.

"Come, let's dance" I beamed, extending my hand to him. He stopped for a second, taking the painted black mirror off his body, he was only wearing black pants and a shirt but my god did he look so hot; the way his clothes cling to his muscles really did things to me.

Press just looked up at me with a smirk after he saw me check him out and then took a hold of my hand once more, following me to the group of gyrating teenagers. I kept the bottle of vodka in my hand, sipping as I danced around the basement.

Out of the corner of my eye I could see Press constantly checking me out and it made my stomach do somersault, or maybe that was the booze, or potentially both. The one thing I struggled with when I was drunk was keeping my hands off Press and as of right now that was proving rather difficult.

Although our costumes were not matching at all, when he didn't have the mirror on him we somewhat looked like a couples costume. His black outfit, symbolising a devil and me the Angel although between us he was the Angel and I was the devil.

"What are you thinking about?" Press whispered in my ear and shivers went straight down my spine, maybe it was the alcohol but I felt so drawn to him both physically and emotionally. "You" I responded with a small smile and I could feel him smirk against my ear. "Oh yeah" he whispered as he held my body close to his as we swayed to the music.

"Yeah, you're the devil to my angel" I laughed slightly as I could feel his chest move as he laughed with me. "And I'm going to do devilish thing to you later" he whispered and I felt my knees go weak, I didn't care that we were surrounded by a large group of people. This guy was irresistible.

"It's a dance circle" Brodie called above the sound of the music and I looked around at everyone who moved out into a circle around me and Press. "The fuck is this shit" I laughed as everyone stared at us. "Baby we've got to dance" Press whispered so no one else could here us. He then took my hand in his and twirled me around in a circle and it was as if no one else was there, just me and him smiling at each other.

The dance we were doing did not fit the music at all but we didn't care, we were just having fun and everyone was cheering. And as the song was coming to an end he placed both his hands on my hips, lifting me in the air, turning slowly. I looked down at him and all I could focus on was his infectious smile, the way his eyes creased and he looked so beautiful.

Finally he placed me on my feet and we did a small bow before walking out of the circle and someone else came in and started twerking. "Girl, that was angelic" Abby screamed as she came up to me and threw her arms over my shoulders, embracing me in a strong hug and Brodie stole Press away from me.

"I love you so much" Abby smiled as she looked at my face. "You are like the prettiest most pretty girl of all the girls" she muttered in a drunken state and I couldn't help but laugh. "Says you Abby Littman, look at your body and your personality" I smiled and she looked at me slightly shocked. "Do you really think?" She asked with a shy glance. "Abso-fucking lutely my fellow short friend" I laughed and she embraced me once more.

"What's going on here?" Max asked as she walked over to us with Ginny and Norah. "Group hug" she gleamed and me and Abyy just nodded our heads and the others banded together in a massive group hug. There were moments like these that made time stand still, just like when I was dancing with Press, moments that made me appreciate who I was and how I got here. I hated what had happened to me but without it I wouldn't have ended up here.

"I think it's time for more shots" i announced and the others screamed in joy as we moved back over to the drinks table. "You guys wanna play spin the bottle?" Abby asked with a wide grin and the thought of kissing anyone apart from Press revolted me and the thought of him kissing anyone else angered me. Before i could voice my reluctance to play Norah beat me too it.

"Abs most of us are in relationships so I don't think that will go down well" she laughed, looking over to Jordan who was giving her sexy eye contact. "Boring" Abby groaned as we all took another shot. "Let's just drink then" Abby came up on a somewhat compromise that we were all happy with doing.

A couple hours passed and we were all a drunk and laughing mess, I hadn't spoken to Press in a hot second as I was with the girls but I kept an eye on him to make sure he was okay as he was sat on the sofa taking a break. "Be back in a second" I said to Abby and Ginny as I began to walk over to the sofa where he was.

As I neared where he was I saw Samantha sit right besides him and instantly my jaw clenched at the sight of how close she was to him. She lifted her hand up to stroke his face and he dodged away from her touch. "Oh come on Press, you know you want to" she giggled like a fucking bitch. "I don't, so please don't touch me" I could hear him say. "Stop lying to yourself" she laughed once more as she straddled him and i completely lost it.

Bad love - Press | Ginny and GeorgiaWhere stories live. Discover now