Season 1, Episode 11: Dancefloor Trembling

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"Oh my Goodness! Guy, do you see it?!" Guy perked up hearing Kelly's sudden excitement. He approached his sister to see the banner on the bulletin board: "Ball Night at the Megadale's Middle School! Tonight and only!"

"This is just great! Like in our old school!" Kelly continued with her eyes shining. "I am going definitely! It is a great chance to get along with others and just relax while still at school."

"Relax while at school? I have home for that" Guy said, averting eyes, showing that he's not excited at all. "You can go all you want, I pass. This must be just a dull meeting, where kids would be fumbling and stumbling around, not sure how to even hold each other, while teachers watch out to make sure everybody is acting properly. And the choice of music will definitely be awful, no rock, no cool, only some poppy dance music..."

"Are you sure it's because of that?" Kelly said with a Cheshire grin. "Or is it because you are scared to show up and let everybody see what a bad dancer you are?" Kelly played the instant win card, playing on her brother's pride. "Come on, bro. As far as I am aware, you are sure you are worthy of the SheZow ring, but what kind of SheZow you are if you are afraid to dance? Real woman is never afraid of it, like me!" she puffed up, seeing her brother getting colorful from boiling emotions.

"I ain't afraid of nothing!" Guy blurted out in cracking voice.

"First of - am not, mind the grammar, genius" Kelly hated when her brother made such spelling mistakes. "And secondly - come on! You can face down criminals and supervillains of all kinds, from burglars to huge mutants, but you avoid showing up on the dancefloor? You're so chicken, little bro..."

"Am not, sister!" Guy said, crossing his arms and standing firmly, looking confident. "You know what? I changed my mind. I am going too. And you'll see how I dance everyone out! Every single one, boys and girls! Bring it on!"

"Brought on, brother" Kelly smirked and left Guy pouting in place.

As he thought, it hit him that his sister was partially right - he was indeed a bad dancer. Kelly was not the guru as well, but much better than him, at least she attended dancing classes once.

"Ah! Doesn't matter that she had dancing lessons!" Guy said to himself, quiet enough to not be heard. "I have SheZow on my side... Well, or rather, on the inside... I had enough time impersonating a woman to learn the grace. I can race a car - so I can dance too. I just gotta practice..."

"Come on, it has to be here!" Guy was searching his closet to find his dress clothes. He knew he had a set, his mom bought it specifically for such occasions, but since then Guy wore it only once - when tried it on. "This is the only outfit I have that looks neat enough..."

"Any help needed?" suddenly a voice came, and Guy turned to it to see his friend Maz standing in the doorframe. "Hi, pal, your mom said you're up here. Let's search together. And also... I got a favor to ask..."

"Sure, dude, dive in" Guy said, making a room for Maz so they both could fit in the closet. "So, what's the favor? Spill it out, there's nothing I wouldn't do for my best bud."

"Yeah, I'm glad for it, Guy..." Maz smiled. "Well, I'd like to ask you about how to ask a person out? See, there's someone special I'd like to ask out for tonight's ball, and I don't want to look like a total dweeb before... Them." Guy chuckled a little, which caused Maz's confusion.

"Buddy, we are dweebs and proud of it, this is our thing" he laughed, and Maz followed, getting the joke. "Okay, jokes aside, no problem, I can help. That's what the best buds are for. So who is the lucky one? A girl or somebody else?"

"Sorry, dude, I... Can't tell. Not that I don't trust you, you're my best pal after all, but... That's too embarrassing..." Maz replied with slight stutter. "Though one thing I can tell... That's a girl. I'm attracted to girls, dude."

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