chapter 1 - meet and greet

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me, arthur mill, and taylor swift hold hands in the backseat of the suv. the city passes by in quick flashes, i cant absorb much of the scenery. we are on her way to gillette stadium, during the middle of her tour, this is her favorite place and i can feel the excitement vibrating out of her.
"what city are we in again" i say turning my head, my breath is taken away by her beauty.
she laughs a small laugh "wyoming, you asked that when we got of the plane"
"oh haha sorry," my cheeks are flushed with embarrassment, "i guess i wasn't paying attention."
she squeezes my hand three times, just like she did in the taxi when we first met. i'm taken back to that first day.
i was a server at the met gala, and i was set to serve her and the celebrities she was sitting with (they have since left my mind). whenever i first walked up to bring the food she saw me and gasped, i thought i had done something wrong, looking at my clothes for stains.
"sorry, you just looked familiar" taylor said with a smile.
i smiled back a bit confused, but almost blown away standing in front of my favorite celebrity. i rubbed my hand on my hand, feeling the rough hair just starting to peek through my scalp from the recent buzz cut i had received.
taylor looked ravishing, her hair was bleached, she was wearing a silver snake skin dress, that shined with metallics but also had hints of black fabric. she wore black lipstick as well bringing out the color of her eyes.
i eyed the man sitting next to her, unable to recall his name, but i looked down and realized the were holding hands.
i averted my gaze and made my way back to the kitchen.
i didn't notice my heart had started racing and my armpits were moist with perspiration. i looked out the small window and saw taylor mouth "excuse me" and leave the table, shaking of her significant other's hand. she seemed to be looking for something but i wasn't sure what.
i came up with a plan, i was going get her attention. i snuck out of the kitchen, wiping my sweaty hands on my apron, my plan started to sound crazy. i walked around the corner she had looking around. she was sitting on a small loveseat looking at her phone, tears seemed to be coming from her eyes.
i walked over slowly not wanting to disturb her.
"are you okay?" i whispered
she looked up fast, tears slinging from her face onto mine. i licked the salty liquid, the taste suited me.
"oh i'm fine." she rubbed her eyes.
no she's not but i decided not to pry.
"actually, that man child over there" she pointed to the man she had been holding hands with just minutes before, "broke up with me in front of my peers. that bitch never deserved a peep from me"
her hand made a fist. i grabbed it with mine hoping to calm her anger.
"can i help in any way?" i peered into her eyes which seemed to be a bit glassy.
"caN i HelP iN aNy waY?" she made fun of my accent, i usually forgot my accent, the british from where i had grown up.
"are you drunk?"
"just a little" she giggled with a little burp.
"let's try to get u home." i helped her off the seat walking her to her door.
"do you want to come along? i don't want to be alone with my cats again!" she started crying, again, and i didn't know what to do.
did my favorite celebrity really just invite me to come home with a her?
"i think you're just drunk" i gasped
"no, i want u to come, you're gorgeous."
my cheeks flushed.
i flagged us a taxi and helped her into the backseat then followed in behind. she told the man her address and then took my hand. i squeeze her hand three times, something my mother had always done... tears came to my eyes. i blinked them away taking stock of my surroundings. we were soaring through LA, bad blood (one of her songs) was playing on the radio.
"so you're not from around here are you?" she asked smiling.
"no, this is actually my first trip to LA." i smiled back.
she leaned her head on my shoulder and drifted to sleep. we held hands and slept until the cab driver stopped in front of an apartment.
i opened the door of the cab, slowly woke her and then helped her to the door of the complex. she grabbed my hand and led me to the elevators. it dropped us off on the penthouse level.
taylor walked straight to what i assumed was her room and closed herself into the bathroom. i looked around, this was like a mansion. i walked into the bedroom, sitting on the bed and taking my shoes off waiting to hear the water go off.
taylor finished her shower and came out in pajama shorts and a shirt.
"i'm too tired to do anything tonight" she sighed.
i felt a little defeated, i had already prepared myself for the best night of my life.
"okay," i smiled.
"let's sleep we'll see what the morning brings" she said smirking.
i walked to the opposite edge of the bed she was on and took off my socks, slipped out of my pants, and unbuttoned my shirt slipping them all to the ground.
taylor gasped taking in my body. "you're body is even more gorgeous than i imagined"
"thanks" i smirked, slipping under the covers fast, trying to hide my insecurities.
taylor flipped off the lights and wrapped her arms around me, i wrapped my arms around her also and pulled her close. soon her breathing slowed and my eyes slowly closed.
that was the best night of sleep i had ever experienced.
the night was cut short when a man started screaming, i gasped awake looking around.
the man who had been sitting with taylor at the met gala was standing over me in his underwear, clearly ready to sleep, and he was screaming.

THANKS FOR READING CHAPTER 1!!! i'm hoping to do frequent updates so stay tuned and hope u enjoyed. please leave plot suggestions or any ideas or thoughts in the comments i would love to hear them.

This is fake, obviously, arthur is a remake of joe and the supposed man can be anyone u want it to be, i see him as calvin harris :)))

have a great rest of your day and stay tuned for chapter 2 - screaming crying

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