First Kill

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I remember watching all the kids, on the playground in the mall. I would hide of coarse the kids and teens can see me. I was looking for a good victim and I finally did. Jack Rheins, 16 a sophmore at Paloma High School. This boy was quiet popular, which is good for me, he wasn't just popular with friends but with enemies as well. He stood to me, he was a leader and strong, he looked like he'd put up quiet a fight. I was delighted to have found him. I followed him home to find he is a only child with parents who often worked. He was a perfect first kill of many more.

I first made him squirm, I'd creep to close and watch him sleep. I gave him a bad vibe of being watched. I once stood right out his window when he woke, and for just one second he saw me. For a month or so I'd just watch him, allowing him small glances of me and haunting his dreams. I started to notice that he would sleep less that he was more skeptical when he glanced at the world. His being fear that grew with the days filled me with a bitter sweet taste. One night I stood at the other end of his room, he watched me silently and his terror poured from his pores. Then slowly he crept out of bed and backed to the wall, his eyes were filled with panic. First it was a whisper "w-w-h-o-o who" and he summoned his small amount of courage "Who are you? What.. Wh-What do you want!" I said nothing of coarse  and he continually screamed "Who are you?! What do you want! Leave me alone!" his parents came in and flicked on the light. You'd think I would leave but I stayed put, having to much fun. His parents looked tired and annoyed "Jack what are you screaming about?" his mother cames to his side. Jack stares at me and then turns to her "That man right there." he points an accusing finger at me. His mother glances but does not see me, his father follows her lead in being blind and turns to him "Jack you must be tired, your not getting enough sleep go to bed." Jacks mouth gapes open but he says nothing as his mother and father flick off the light and shuts the door. Thats when I left.

A week later poor Jack was failing classes and walking around saying crazy things like "The man, the man in the suit. He's there, he's always there." his friends worry was almost as delicious as his own fright. It was the Friday of that week when I took his life, he was in the living room, alone, his parents at work. I knocked on his door then stood about twenty feet away from his door. He opened it and screamed, if I had a mouth I would have been laughing. He suprised me by running towards with a kitchen knife. I snatched it from him and extracted six arms out to grab him. I dragged him into the near by woods where I began my operation. I used his own knife to cut of his ten fingers, he cried like a little girl begging for me to stop. His sweat from the screaming, struggling, the aggony, it came out almost as fast as his blood. I brought out a large, beautiful, machete and began to cut into his torso, not wasting anytime for his blood loss would soon kill him and I would no longer have any fun. I drew a large X on him and dug the point into the middle of it. His piercing wail was the most amazing thing I had every heard. I finally ended his suffering by dipping my hand in his chest and tearing out his heart with blood spilling over his sides. Once he passed I collected his soul in a jar and stored it. I faced his dead body and took in the smells of blood, sweat, and pine, I then left. I felt satisfied.

I gave the Devil, or as I refer to him as, Master his soul. It was fasinating really the soul was black and red smoke. swirling around. He told me that the red meet he died a bloody death and the black in fear. Your final color of your soul told your death. I made a new goal to see every color or soul I could. so then I went out for my next kill excited as ever.

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