𝟐𝟑. 𝐕𝐨𝐰𝐬 𝐈𝐧 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐀𝐢𝐫.

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The deep silence enveloped the car, two souls thumping wildly in each other's presence, their eyes clutching several sentiments, hearts smacking against their ribcages. A pair of ocean-blue eyes focused intently on the road ahead, while a pair of dark gray eyes glanced out the window, breathing in the magnificence of nature.

To break the stillness, Musa turned on the music, the melody vibrating through the car. Fayra eyed Musa in trepidation as the ruthless man kept his gaze ahead, not sparing her even a glance.

❝ We were both young when I first saw you, 

I close my eyes and the flashback starts, 

I'm standing there on a balcony in summer air, 

I see the lights, See the party, the ball gowns, 

See you make your way through the crowd And say hello, Little did I know...❞

As the music played, the lyrics resonated deeply within Fayra. Her heart pounded against her chest while Musa Hassan Khan maintained a poker face, not a single ounce of emotion flickering across his gorgeous features. But was it the same case with his heart?

❝That you were Romeo, You were throwing pebbles,

 And my daddy said, 'Stay away from Juliet,' And I was crying on the staircase, 

Begging you please don't go. And I said, Romeo, take me somewhere we can be alone,

 I'll be waiting—all that's left to do is run...❞

Fayra's face flushed, her gray eyes gleaming as she absorbed the lyrics. Her mind marveled at the beauty of the words being sung, yet her heart knew this wasn't reality. Love was never meant for her—or was it? Only God knew what was planned.

❝You'll be the prince and I'll be the princess, 

It's a love story, baby just say yes.❞

Musa turned his head, his ocean-blue eyes locking onto Fayra's dark gray ones. There was something magical about her that pulled him towards her, even though he believed he abhorred her existence. This internal conflict threw him into turmoil as he struggled to keep his distance, determined to exact his vengeance.

❝So I sneak out to the garden to see you, 

We keep quiet 'cause we're dead if they knew, 

So close your eyes, Escape this town for a little while...❞

Fayra stared back at him, her eyes full of anxiety as he gazed at her with sentiments no one could easily decipher. Yet, Fayra Hassan Khan found herself drowning in those ocean-blue eyes, searching for answers to questions she didn't have the courage to ask this ruthless mafia, Musa Hassan Khan—her husband.

❝Oh, oh, 'cause you were Romeo, 

I was a scarlet letter, 

And my daddy said, 'Stay away from Juliet,' 

But you were everything to me, 

I was begging you please don't go...❞

Both were so captivated by each other that nothing else mattered at the moment. Her gray eyes offered solace to his ocean-blue ones, while the veins on his neck pulsed and his sharp jawline clenched. He couldn't deny how adorable she was, even if his heart whispered that she was his beauty—something he immediately rejected. But for how long?

His mind replayed the kiss he had stolen from her that day. He could still taste her lips, sweet like they were meant for him. His ocean-blue eyes wandered to her cherry lips, watching as she nervously nibbled on them—perhaps in fear. Yet, Musa Hassan Khan was so lost in thought that he had no idea what he was doing.

❝And I said, Romeo, take me somewhere we can be alone, 

I'll be waiting—all that's left to do is run...❞

He turned his gaze back to the road, shaking his head in an attempt to clear his thoughts. His inner turmoil continued to wrestle with his emotions, reminding him that he felt nothing but hatred for her. His wife, the most naive soul—Fayra Hassan Khan.

His heart had skipped a beat when he had called her "wifey" in such a soft tone, a voice he had never used with anyone. He was a ruthless mafia; softness wasn't meant for him. But something had happened when he saw her tears, something he still couldn't understand.

❝You'll be the prince and I'll be the princess, 

It's a love story, baby just say yes.❞

As the song ended, Fayra turned her head away, unable to bear the intensity of his ocean-blue eyes. Her heart hammered against her chest, emotions leaking out without her permission.

The sudden screech of the car coming to a halt made Fayra yelp. Her gray eyes widened in fear as she almost collided with the dashboard. But before her head could hit, a strong hand caught her forehead, preventing any harm.

Fayra's fear-filled eyes met Musa's. His hand still rested on her forehead as he gazed at her with concern etched across his face. He gently caressed her forehead, sending chills down Fayra's spine. They were both lost in each other's eyes.

❝Sir, I'm sorry—it was an accident,❞ an unfamiliar voice broke the spell. They both turned to see a man standing outside the car, whispering an apology for causing the near-collision. The man had abruptly stopped his car without any warning, which could have caused serious damage if Musa hadn't braked in time.

Rage surged through Musa as he stormed out of the car, grabbing the man by the collar. The man's eyes widened in fear, while Fayra quickly got out of the car, terrified by her husband's fury.

❝You bastard, if something had happened to my wife, I would have killed you with my bare hands!❞ Musa yelled, his voice dripping with rage, his ocean-blue eyes ablaze with anger. His hair was disheveled, and his entire being radiated fury.

❝Mu-sa, leave him,❞ Fayra's shattered voice pleaded, her eyes streaming with tears. The man struggled to break free from Musa's grip, but just the sound of Fayra's voice brought Musa to his senses. He released the man, who ran off to save his life.

❝Shut up and get in the car,❞ Musa barked, his demeanor shifting back to his usual coldness. The fact that he was experiencing strange emotions towards Fayra made him anxious. Musa Hassan Khan couldn't afford to have feelings, and the realization that he cared for her left Fayra confused and fearful.

He slammed the door shut, driving the car at full speed, not caring if he hit anyone along the way. His erratic behavior left Fayra silently whimpering, her heart now pounding in fear for him. But Musa Hassan Khan paid her no mind, lost in his own turmoil.


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