Chapter One: Under her spell, I can't break

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He was all but shrouded in darkness, the sound of whispers calling to him as he woke up in a empty abyss. It was hollow and quiet, almost a prison he couldn't escape from. Robin was trapped like he was in a cage, trying to desperately escape as his strength was waining. He felt like he could collapse, like this unholy abyss would swallow him whole. He unfurled his feathers, his red breast glowing red with fear. He heard inhuman and cursed voices whispering his name, like spirits unknown haunting him.

"Robin, Robin, Robin...."  the voices were deep and unhinged, coming from planes of existence he couldn't ascertain. Robin was forced to listen to their whispers, his ears bleeding from their vicious cries. He heard screaming, the sound of death filling his heart with dread.

Where is all this pain coming from?

This inferior question drew him to the screams of horror, the cries of the weak. The pain of the suffering. The blue abyss began to fade and take shape of his own kingdom. The city of Maskia, an ethereal haven for all masks to embrace their gifts and live in harmony. The place where his family ruled over and protected. The Redbreast Family, whom he was apart of had a sacred duty to defend their people. The kingdom that used to thrive was now burning in flames, becoming unrecognisable the more of the city it consumed. The sound of war, masks burning alive. Their screams of pain and agony the only sound he could hear amid the smoke. No matter how strong he was, he couldn't interfere and defend his kingdom. He could do nothing but helplessly watch as his home fell apart. Seeing his kingdom burn like this was enough to bring tears to his eyes. The sight of his nest being destroyed broke his heart into millions of pieces as the flames scorched, hissing and burning at his fragile soul. He feared the most for his family. His father, his mother, his many brothers and sisters. The guards that defended the Palace and the citizens of Maskia. They could all be dead. Robin felt his heart go faint as he saw a giant bird make its way through the skies, his wings burning with volcanic flame as his body was consumed in fire like a meteorite crashing down to earth's atmosphere. The bird made its landing amid the devastated kingdom. From what Robin could see, it was a towering Phoenix, its yellow eyes like a evil spirit gazing down upon him, his feathers glowing with scorching flames as his talons were sharp, like he was planning to kill.

Robin stayed frozen, his heart nearly ripped out his chest. He watched the Phoenix, its intimated presence making his trembling fear grow. The mythical bird turned his head towards him, his lantern eyes communicating a burning glance as it soared into the air, moving viciously like a bird of prey as it went to ambush Robin, to claim him as his victim. Robin covered his eyes, falling to his knees as the Phoenix attacked.

He expected pain, the bitter taste of death. But his surroundings began to change. His devastated kingdom was gone, the sound of massacre and destruction faded from reality as he was laying in a bed of roses, the grass soft on his light feathers. Robin hoisted himself to his feet, breathing shakily out of his beak as his heart beated heavily against his breast, sending chills down his spine.

The sound of slience was broken by a voice, its singing angelic and pure to the soul. It was operatic, enlightening. It was the calmness he needed after witnessing such horror. He catered himself towards the sound, the music filled with timeless melodies. Robin loved music, it was what united lost souls together. Masks were bound together through song and it was important to use it as a gift. The royal family encouraged their people to use song as a gift, not a curse to be feared. As Prince of Maskia, he relished in the power of music. He sang when his heart called for it.

This singing, this angel's singing was unlike any gift he'd heard. It was pure, vulnerable, gentle. Robin walked through the evergreen forest, the sky showering pink as amid the blossoming trees, Mushroom stood there. She was beautiful, like a newly bloomed flower as she wore a graceful ball gown decorated in roots and plants, like she was mother nature itself. Her face was pale green, her eyes covered by the pileus on her mushroom head. Her voice was sombre, operatic as the afternoom sky shone down upon her. Robin walked towards her, dahlia and rose petals falling from the skies, the more louder she sang. Robin came closer, to a face he recognised but to a woman he knew very little.

He shared a forlorn gaze with the Mushroom, his heart pounding intensely with love. He was under her spell, one he didn't dare break. He couldn't stop listening to the voice, to enter the trance of seeing her again. His love, the one he was destined to be with. He gently held onto her hand, her touch soft and cold like the petal of a flower as the two of them danced, petals falling from the sky gracefully as all he could hear was The Mushroom's singing, a voice he couldn't resist. She kept singing, filling his soul with comfort and warmness. Making his heart beat slower. Robin was at peace in Mushroom's arms and so was she...

Robin woke up, shocked breathes rippling his throat as he found himself back in the palace, in his nest. It was all a dream and he was back home to his reality, his world. He was taken away from his only comfort, the one who kept him at peace from the horror and conflict that threatened to swallow him whole. Robin kept having the same dreams every night, the ones where he woke up in a pitiless abyss. Thrown into a endless war where his home was destroyed. The moment where he met his singing angel, the mushroom who was calling to him. He feared that the nightmares he was experiencing foretold a dark future, a future where his kingdom would collapse in flames. A impending conflict where many innocent lives would be lost. The Phoenix was a powerful enemy, a bird with the instinct to kill. He feared that his family's enemies - The Fire Republic would rise again. An evil his father vanquished years ago. What if they were returning to claim their revenge? What if they were planning a nefarious plot to conquer his kingdom? Robin placed his hand on his feathered breast, stroking it gently to bring him tranquility in the aftermath of such a harrowing situation. He remembered Mushroom, her ethereal voice still echoing through his ears. It made his heart go still.

Come closer.....

Robin felt his heart sing, a melodic lullaby bursting from his throat. It was a reminder of his love for Mushroom, the tranquility that filled his heart. He wanted to be with her more than anything. Robin stood at the edge of his nest, hand on his heart as he stared into the blue, in a state of longing.

Turn the lights off in this place. And she shines just like a star. And I swear I know her face. I just don't know who you are...

He sang such vulnerable words, communicating his feelings for Mushroom through the empty walls as it was what his heart needed to hear. What his soul had to hear.

Turn the music up in here, I still hear her loud and clear. Like she's right there in my ear. Telling me...that she wants to own me, to control me...

Come closer....
Come closer...

Oh, I just can't pull myself away away. Under her spell I can't break.
I just can't stop
I just can't stop!!!

And I just can't break myself no way
But I don't want to escape!
I just can't stop
I just can't stop, no...

Robin tried to suppress his tears, the little memories he's had of Mushroom coming back to him.

Turn the lights off in this place, and she shines just like a star....

Robin had to stop himself before the tears welled in his eyes. The idea of not being by Mushroom's side and the love he was longing for was killing him. He had to distract himself, he had to keep his feelings of longing locked tight. He had to warn his family of the impending war, of the threat the Fire Republic truly possess. He parted from his nest, following his heart as he had to prevent this mortal disaster...

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