Chapter 1 - First Meeting

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Everything in SMG4 Origins is the same up to the last scene, which is what this chapter is.

SMG4 was filming a video with Mario and Bowser spinning like beyblades in the center of a field by the castle.

"Very nice, very nice! Keep it up and-" SMG4 was interrupted by a giant black and blue USB hurtling down to the Earth and crashing on the field nearby them, sending pieces of Earth flying. SMG4 and Mario gasped, them and Bowser staring in shock at the USB as the door opened down into a ramp. A Mario look-alike stood in the doorway, coughing as the dust got into his lungs. His clothes were matching SMG4’s, but instead of white overalls, his were black.

“Ow. Where am I?” He looked at the three figures in front of him, and his eyes focused on SMG4. “Oh, hello! You look like me! Well, you both do, but hey! We’ve got the same outfit!” He leaned back on one leg and gestured down at his own outfit. SMG4 narrowed his eyes glared at him.

“I don’t like you.” He muttered under his breath. The other recolor tilted his head in confusion. Mario excitedly waved at him.

“Hey, other clone guy! Who are you, SMG5?” He asked sarcastically. SMG3 smiled and shook his head.

“You’re actually close! I’m-”

“Yeah um, we’re kinda in the middle of something here?” SMG4 interrupted, his frowning in annoyance. His face suddenly lit up as he thought of an idea. “You know, there’s actually a massive city not too far from here, maybe you could go there and make a name for yourself!” He smiled with his eyes closed.

“Oh, really? Ok! Yeah, that sounds good, thanks!” SMG3 jumped down from the USB and looked around. “Um, which way is it?” SMG4 pointed behind the USB.

“Over that way.” He replied emotionlessly. SMG3 looked just past the USB and could just barely see the tops of some buildings in the Mushroom Capital City.

“Thanks! Good luck with your… um, what were you guys doing exactly?” SMG3 pointed at the camera that was now lying on the ground.

“Important things! Go explore the city! It’s big and full of opportunities!” SMG4 waved him off as he picked up the camera again. SMG3 glanced down and nodded.

“Yeah. Alright. Thanks again.” He said as he started walking towards the city and sighed. “This might take a while.” He muttered to himself. SMG4 looked relieved, but Mario and Bowser only looked confused. They both looked at each other before Bowser spoke up.

“Hey, SMG4? Why did you usher that guy off like that? He seemed like he was like you-”

“Did you see how that guy acted? I dunno, just looking at him pissed me off. Let’s just get back to the videos, ok?” SMG4 interrupted Bowser with a hint of aggression. A different behavior than either Mario or Bowser had seen so far, though they hadn’t known SMG4 for very long.

Author's notes: Hey everyone, this is the first fanfic I've ever written and it's an Alternate Universe of SMG4 that I've had for nearly two years now! Wow, that's insane. Anyway, I've had the general story in my head for like the whole time, but now I get to write it out in more detail.
Some chapters will be longer than others, this one is just really short because there's not much to this first meeting, and some chapters will be directly based off of existing episodes so they might have matching dialogue while others will be completely original story wise. Either way, I'll still try to make it seem like something an SMG4 episode would have but dark.
Chapter uploads will probably be slow because I have school starting up in a few weeks, but I'll try to maybe publish at least once or twice a month. Next few chapters should be out within this month, however, because I already wrote most of it out I just need to draw the chapter covers.

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