Chapter 2 - SMG3 in the Big City

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Meanwhile, in the Mushroom Capitol City...

SMG3 had finally made it to the city that SMG4 had directed him to and looked around in awe. The area his USB had landed in was bright, colorful, and not very populated, at least noticeably populated. The Capitol City, however, was dull in color, but had many many people and creatures walking around and living their lives, sometimes blowing each other up and fighting, but since nobody else paid any mind to it, he just ignored it as they did.

"Whoa, this place is huge. I don't even know where to start." SMG3 said to himself as he spotted a small convenience store. "Maybe something small to start off with will be good." He muttered as he walked up to the automatic doors and into the store. The Medic who ran the store was still trying to clean up the mess that he had made earlier. "Um, excuse me?" The Medic turned around quickly with a terrifyingly distorted face very close to SMG3's, causing him to flinch.

"Yes? What is it? Hey, weren't you in my store earlier?" He asked accusatorily. SMG3 shook his head quickly as he backed up a little bit.

"N-no, I wasn't, I just landed here like twenty minutes ago. You might be talking about-"

"Oh alright then. Enjoy my store!" The Medic interrupted, seeming happy with the part of the answer SMG3 gave him, and went right back to cleaning with the mop being upside down. SMG3 stood there in confusion for a moment and nodded slowly as he walked to the back isles to get away from the Medic.

"Yeah that's a fantastic way to greet your customers," SMG3 muttered sarcastically under his breath. A familiar object caught his attention. "Hey, what's this?" He walked up to a row of computers and laptops. He turned one of them on and looked at the home screen. "Isn't this the-"

"That's a laptop! You can access the whole internet with it!" The Medic was suddenly right next to SMG3, causing him to scream. "The last guy who came in here started recording stuff with that! Maybe you'll also enjoy that too!" SMG3 got out of his defensive position.

"Do you mean SMG4? This looks like the laptop that he was using when I landed. It looked pretty cool, maybe I can try that too." He used the trackpad to click on one of the icons in the toolbar and opened a new tab on Internet Explorer. The Medic frowned in disappointment.

"At least that guy seemed smarter than you." He said bluntly, causing SMG3 to frown a little. "So, do you want this fancy new laptop? Only 7000 coins!" SMG3 looked shocked.

"WHAT?! 7000 COINS?! But I don't have any money! There has to at least be a cheaper price that I can reasonably purchase!" SMG3 pleaded, but the Medic took the laptop away from SMG3 and held it up higher than his short self could reach.

"Should've thought about that before you tried to become a YouTuber. If you wanna learn the way of the memes and computers for free, try going to meme school or something." He kicked SMG3 and launched him out of the store. "If you've got no money, then get the hell out of my damn store!" He yelled as the doors slammed shut with a metal lock appearing on the front of them. SMG3 rubbed his head in pain and looked back at the store.

"Why are the people here so weird? Wait, meme school? I could learn about memes for free? Is that what SMG4 was recording?" He stood up and brushed himself off. "That was actually pretty convenient information. It's settled, then. I'm gonna go find where the nearest meme school is and get myself an education on memes! Maybe psychology while I'm at it, might help me understand why everyone here is... interesting." He walked away from the store and started going down the street again. "I'll have to find another way to look things up. Oh, an internet cafe!"

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