Chapter 3 - Meme School Days

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The following chapter is based on various flashbacks from SMG3 in Mario's Spicy Day.

The tall castle-esque building loomed over SMG3, who stood at the bridge to the entrance. Across the top of the large front doors were two signs, one in black and yellow that read "Memewarts: Memecraft and Memery" and another crappy one that said "Welcom new studets :DD" in writing that a pre-schooler probably could've written better. He took a deep breath before crossing the bridge and squeezing through one of the cracked open doors. He was greeted by a bunch of the students -all in wizard hats- flying around and using meme magic wildly with their crappy wands. Students summoning weird memes to do Pokemon-like battles, students trying to fly with memes, very strange-looking meme-waifus that went horribly wrong, a lot of trying to possible murder attempts, and intense screaming all around.

SMG3 looked around at everything in concern and slight regret before he yelped and ducked quickly as a Koopa got blasted in his direction, slamming against the door hard. If the Koopa didn't have a shell, it probably would have died.

"Hey, watch it, asshole!" SMG3 yelled out as he looked around to figure out where the Koopa came from. His voice was much too quiet in comparison to the chaos going on everywhere that he just gave up. However, while trying to find the culprit, he ended up finding the actual thing he was looking for: new student orientation signs. The quality looked very similar to the "welcom" sign on the outside of the school building.

"Finally," SMG3 muttered as he followed the signs to a large courtyard with many tables all laid out that had information about classes and school rules. Students with even bigger wizard hats than the ones SMG3 had already seen ran the information tables, and most of those looking at them had no wizard hats on. It was almost as loud as the previous area, but at least there weren't people being launched or getting into meme fights.

SMG3 made his way to a table in the center of the row that had the most students crowded around it. This time, the sign hanging off of the table actually looked decent and legible from a distance that read "Collect Schedules Here". On the surface of the table were boxes with hundreds of dividers in them alphabetically organized.

"Hey there, mustache man! You a new student here?" A Toad a large wizard hat behind the table asked SMG3.

"Yeah, I am, the name I registered with is-" SMG3 was interrupted by the Toad sniffing him very aggressively. "DUDE WHAT THE FU-"

"SMG3! I have your schedule right here!" He threw it at SMG3, causing him to fall on his back. "Enjoy your time at Memewarts!"

SMG3 rubbed the back of his head and picked up his schedule. Yep, that was his name and the classes he chose alright. Did his name have a scent? He hadn't even met that Toad before. Toads don't even have noses-!

"Oh, um... thanks?" He said with confusion.

"Oh yeah, and your hat too!" The Toad threw a small wizard's hat at SMG3's face and sent him flying across the courtyard, slamming him into one of the castle walls. "Orientation assembly is in the cafeteria!" The Toad yelled out to him. SMG3 used the wall to help him stand up again.

"I think I'm going to die here. These people will actually kill me." He muttered as he looked down at his schedule. A map of the school was attached to the back of it. "This way. This seems pretty straightforward, so hopefully it won't take too long."

Three hours later...

SMG3 felt like he was on the verge of insanity. This stupid orientation was going on for hours. How much longer would this stupid old wizard man keep going on and on about his divorce? What does that have to do with memes and the orientation? SMG3 slumped back in his chair, which was very uncomfortable due to it being probably the cheapest plastic they could find, and looked around at the other students, who all looked like they wanted to either die or kill the principal. A familiar bright blue caught his eyes just a few rows behind him. Was that...

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