Chapter 1

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Another beautiful day graced Poppy Meadow as the sun shone brightly overhead. Only the gentle breeze made a soft sound as it swept across the land, and the one enjoying it all was none other than Y/N himself as he sat atop a sturdy strain of grass. A few months had passed since he met Maya and Willy, going on a handful of adventures and ensuring their safety and well-being. To say it's been hectic is an understatement.

After all is said and done, a day of relaxation is in order. A peaceful day for relaxing...and racing.

He opens his eyes as he hears the beating of wings fast approaching, casting his gaze forward again just in time to see two dragonflies soar by. Riding atop the blue one was Maya and Willy, the former cheering as she encouraged the dragonfly named Drago to go faster. Willy, as per usual, closed his eyes and held onto Maya tightly out of fear.

Despite all they've been through, Maya and Willy haven't changed much. Not that Y/N complained. They had a unique friend dynamic, with Maya as the courageous adventurer and Willy as the scared but still loyal friend who wanted to help her.

And of course, Y/N continued his duty of watching over them both. The two had a positive effect on his attitude, as he had become much less grumpy and more friendly over the past few months. An improvement he welcomed gladly.

He looked down at the track below and saw that a firefly kid had finished setting up the final finish line. Abruptly, though, Drago and the other dragonfly came barreling right through it as they crashed. The former on the ground with Maya and Willy while the latter crashed into a mushroom.

Y/N: Oh dung.

Quickly, he flaps his wings and hovers down to the ground, immediately checking on Maya and Willy.

Y/N: You kids alright?

Maya giggles before quickly getting back onto her feet, smiling at Y/N.

Maya: That was so fun! Did you see?

Y/N chuckles before nodding back, patting her on the head and ruffling her hair up.

Y/N: How couldn't I? That was one hedge of a crash landing ya did. Way better than the one I did way back then, that's for sure.

He looks over at Willy, seeing that he was already back on his feet dusting himself, then looks over at Drago.

Y/N: You good, Drago?

Drago: Yeah, I'm good! Ain't the worst crash I've had.

Y/N nods and gives a thumbs up, then sees Drago and the other dragonfly fly off. He turns his attention back to Maya who was still excitedly talking about the race to the two other child riders who were still lying on the ground, completely paralyzed. Guess the adrenaline locked them up.

Maya: You guys were awesome! Want to race again?

Immediately the two kids shot back up to their feet.

Kid 1: Uhm, uh...

The other kid whispers to his friend something intelligible to Maya and Y/N.

Kid 1: Oh yeah, we've gotta clean our leaf! Seeya, Maya!

The two quickly leave, with Maya looking just a little disappointed before Y/N shrugs at her.

Y/N: If you ask me, I think they just didn't wanna lose to ya again.

Maya giggles softly, until the firefly kid from earlier speaks up as he walks up to her.

Ronnie: Wow, Maya, that was amazing! You're so fast, you should totally be in the Honey Games!

Maya: Thanks, Ronnie! I'd love to go, but our hive never gets invited...

Willy: Yep, and I think that's a good thing.

Willy was in the middle of picking up some pollen and storing it into a pollen barrel as he threw his two cents into the conversation.

Willy: I've had it with racing.

Maya: Aw Willy, we're just having fun!

Willy: You were having fun, Maya! I was having...uh...what's the opposite of fun?

Ronnie: Not-fun?

Y/N: Pain.

Willy: Let's go with not-fun. Thanks, Ronnie.

Ronnie: You're welcome!

Y/N simply shrugs, his response seemingly going unheard.

Maya: Willy!

Willy: What?

Maya then quickly tags him before giggling as she starts flying away, after shouting 'tag'. Willy sighs.

Willy: Oh, Maya...why don't you ever listen?

Y/N looks down at Willy, crossing his arms.

Y/N: I feel like she listens to me pretty well. Sometimes.

Willy: If only it was the same case for me...

Y/N shrugs before patting Willy on the head.

Y/N: I'm sure she will soon enough.

Willy sighs again dejectedly, doubtful, before glancing at Ronnie and tagging him.

Willy: Tag, you're in.

Ronnie: In what?

Willy: Ooh, it doesn't matter.

Willy soon takes to the skies, following after Maya. Y/N does a little finger salute to Ronnie before flying up and joining up with the bee duo.

Ronnie: Bye Willy!

Willy: Bye Ronnie! Hey Maya, wait up!

The trio begin their journey back to the hive, which at the moment was bustling with activity. In the hallways of the structure, the Queen was accompanied by Crawley as she questions him about the state of the hive.

Queen: Is everything in order, Crawley?

Crawley: Certainly, ma'am. The honey barrels are being stacked in the Great Hall as we speak.

The two arrive to the honey extraction room, where they witness several worker bees readying the last of the barrels of honey. However, only a few barrels are filled before the machine dries up. This causes worry within the Queen.

Queen: that all of it, Crawley?

Crawley: Uh, was a short summer, ma'am.

Queen: Oh...don't worry. everything will be just fine.

Despite the Queen's assurances, the news that their short summer resulted in less honey being harvested was concerning. With the Winter season soon upon them, she was worried that their low honey supplies would make it difficult to survive.

Hopefully, nothing else bad could happen to jeopardize things further.

Maya the Bee: The Honey Games (Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now