Day Seven

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I didn't think I could do it, but I guess I could. I had cried more than ever before. It was after Ondrej and I had dropped Nicola off at the airport, that I had finally broken down.

What is a girl to do without her partner in crime?

And it seemed as though my mood was reflecting upon the weather, too. Seeing as how it had been raining since we dropped Nicola off at the airport, and now, two hours later.

I pulled down the visor above the passenger seat, and stared at myself in the mirror. My eyes were red and puffy, and I had mascara running all the way down my cheeks. I was brought from my gaze, after Ondrej ran his hand over mine. He peeked over at me, then quickly returned his eyes to the road. I didn't even want Ondrej - the person I love and trust the most - to see me like that.

"Oh, babe," he sighed, placing a kiss on the top of my hand. "I hate seeing you like this..."

"It's just.."

"I know, Anna," he interrupted me, his blue eyes turning dark and saddened, "How do you think I felt when I had to leave you to play in the NHL? You can't possibly think it was an easy decision for me..."

"Honestly, I love hockey; really, it is my life, but I would've been just as content to stay in the Czech Republic and go to university, and stay with you."

I was honestly at a loss for words. For the longest time, I never believed he cared enough for me, to actually give up his hockey dream to stay.

It put our entire past into perspective.

Throughout our friendship, Ondrej was always known as the stud. For as long as I'd known him, he only had a handful of real girlfriends.

"So," Ondrej started, "What do you want to do today?"

His eyes were worried and sincere, all at the same time.

He must've taken notice that I wasn't feeling okay. I looked at the clock on the dash, only to realize his hunch was right. It wasn't like me not to talk, and seeing as how it had been a good five minutes since I had last spoken, he had a good reason to worry.

"Sleep." I laughed softly.

"Sleep?" He questioned, "There has to be something else you want to do."

"Well, considering it's cold and rainy, there's not much I'm in the mood for..."

Ondrej's brow raised then.

"I think I have an idea..."

We returned home not long after. Ondrej had instructed me to go to the washroom and wash up, and to get into something comfortable.

Currently I was in jeans, and somehow he remembered how uncomfortable I always was in denim.

I returned to the living room a only few moments later. I was welcomed by the smell of salty, buttery popcorn, and the play screen for Grease.

"What's all this?" I asked, looking around for Ondrej.

He appeared from around the corner, then, sporting nothing but a pair of pajama pants.

"I remembered that your favourite way to spend a rainy day, is to watch your favourite movies!"

I was shocked, and very flattered. Never did I ever think he ever bothered to figure out my favourite things, let alone remember them.

"You're so damn sweet." I blushed, joining him on the couch.

He wrapped a protective arm around me, and pulled a blanket over us, then started the movie. I buried my head in the crook of his neck, and listened closely between the rain tapping on the windows, and John Travolta's singing.

It was not long after, that I was asleep.

The sound of thunder made me jump slightly, but not enough to wake Ondrej.

He always was a heavy sleeper.

There was a quiet snore that escaped his mouth every few seconds, which I adored. I continued to watch him for a few more moments, before turning my attention to the TV. We started watching the movie at 8:30, and it was already noon, which meant the play menu had been repeating for over an hour.

Gently, I reached over Ondrej for the remote to shut it off. I guess I nudged him slightly, and he began to stir.

"Wha-what's wrong?" He awoke, startled. He ran the back of his hand across my face, and his fingers through my messy hair.

"Are you okay?"

I couldn't help but laugh.

His eyes searched mine, before he finally realized what had happened.

I tussled his hair roughly.

"What a rat's nest!" I teased.

"Hey!" He retorted playfully, "At least I don't have dried up drool on my face, missy!"

He proceeded to rub it off with his thumb, before I slapped it away.

"I do not!" I cried, running to the mirror down the hall.

Ondrej's beautiful laugh rang through the apartment.

"You ass." I muttered under my breath, returning to my seat next to him on the couch. He continued to laugh, and placed a gentle kiss upon my lips. I rose once again; this time, to get more popcorn.

"Oh, and Anna?" He called.

"What?" I rolled my eyes, filling the bowl full of cold popcorn.

"You might want to think about washing that sweater before you return it to me," he teased, "You got a little bit of drool... Right there."

He poked me in the chest as I sat back down next to him. I slapped his hand away once more, which lead him to wrap his arm around me once more.

"You're an idiot." I observed, cuddling up to him.

"I know." He smirked, throwing a piece of popcorn in his mouth. After chewing, he kissed my forehead.

"But, you're my idiot." I added, nuzzling his chest.

"Forever and always, babe."

Then, there was silence.

"What are we waiting for?" He cried, pointing at the TV, "Let's watch another movie!"

And, so we did.


This was literally my FAVOURITE chapter to write so far! Lots more to come, though!

Hope you're enjoying it so far!

-Courtie :) xx

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