Chapter 1

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The start of an adventur

Above a forest, Phoinex is flying around on Char looking for someone

Phoinex: dad! Where are you!?

While flying a flash cannon is shot at them but barely misses, and Phoinex falls off of Char but grabs his tail in time

Phoinex: what the? Char, lets go down there

Char flicks his tail up hard enough to put Phoinex onto his back, and he decends down into the forest. When they get down there, a cloaked person finnished returning their pokemon

??: if you want to help finding where your "father" is, then defeat me

Phoinex: fine, should be easy enough

??: with Char only, and no mega XY-ing

Phoinex: less easy, but i'm fine with that! Ready Char?

Char roars (Ready!) and ?? sends out their pokemon out into battle

This time skip has been brought to you by me being to lasy to make an entire team with 5 of them not even going to be coming back

Char is panting from exhaustion from the other 5 pokemon. ?? Sends out his Duraladon and raises his banded arm up and starts gigantamaxing his duraladon. Char de-mega evolves and a spot on the ground glows 

??: what?! How?! That power was lost years ago!

Phoinex: well, it 'aint anymore! Char! Terastallize!

Phoinex slams his arm with the dynamax band onto the glowing spot and red energy comes out from it and into Char, and a black lightning apears for ½ a seconds. Fire energy gathers around Char fueling his flame and increasing his power

Phoinex: burn 'em! Flamethrower!

??: G-max Depletion!

Duraladon fires it's dragon beam thing and it collides with an equal sized flamethrower, flamethrower overpowers the g-max move and hits Duraladon, even knocking it back

??: max steelspike!

Phoinex: flamethrower! Again!

Duraladon stomps summoning his metal spikes towards Char but are imediantly melted by the flamethrower, Duraladon gets hit and is knocked down, faints, and un-gigantamaxes

??: you defeated me... I'll keep my promise. Tommorrow come here at midday if you are serious about finding your father. And bring no pokeballs except for Char's, you will not be permitted to come if you bring anyone other than yourself and Char

Phoinex: what do i tell my pokemon?

??: not my problem

?? Then disapears into the shadows dropping a letter onto the floor that Phoinex picks up. Then Phoinex gets on Char ready to go home

Later in the day

Knock knock

Phoinex opens the door to see a trainer standing infront of the doorway and they are holding a map

Phoinex: yes?

Kit: are you Mister Phoinex?

Phoinex: yes, but call me Phoinex please

Kit: ok, Phoinex

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