Chapter 2

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2 of 3 birds

Phoinex is climbing up a mountain  and lighting strikes near him, and on the top of the tall mountain, faster than normal lightnint

Phoinex: i dont understand why i cant use Char. HE CAN FLY!

As Phoinex yelled that lighting struck where he was going to put his hand making the rock there fall out

Phoinex: come on!

Phoinex goes back to climbing the mountain and stays quiet. After he gets to the top a strong hurricane of wind knocks him back down. Phoinex releases Char from his pokeball while flying

Phoinex: Char, Help! 

Char grabs Phoinex and flys both of them back to the top wherw a zapdos is waiting

Zapdos: so you survived... but you wont survive this!

Zapdos summons a thunderstorm and releases the entire electrical storm onto Phoinex. Char covers phoinex and is covered in the mega evolution orb. Electricity flows through Phoinex's mega ring and changes his mega stone. When the evolution is done a bright yellow Charizard Y comes out from it with electeicity mixing with it's tail flame

Mega dex: thunder Y, ability; lightning rod, electric/flying, evoluton method; unkown

Char prepares to battle but then turns into a normal mega Y and Phoinex's Y stone turns back to normal. All 3 of them stand there looking confused

Zapdos: only one other has been able to do that...

Phoinex: ok... flamethrower!

Char jumps up and spews flames at Zapdos who easily defends by using it's wings. Zapdos then uses thunder again and barely misses Char

Phoinex: ancient power!

Char stomps raising up some rocks and fires them at zapdos and knocks it back a bit. Zapdos attacks back by using hurricane and Char uses air slash to disperse it. Zapdos flys up and starts spinning and releasing electricity through its beak before charging at Char. Phoinex activates his X stone and changes Char from mega Y to X and Char attacks with flare blitz. Both pokemon collide qnd are knocked backwards but zapdos falls down the mountain being to weak to use it's wings

Phoinex: Char!

Phoinex jumps down after the zapdos with Char not far behind. Char catches up to Phoinex and puts him on his back while grabbing zapdos by the legs and spreads his wings out to slow their fall. Char turns into mega XY for a split second which was long enough to slow them down to a stop right before hitting the ground and Char puts zapdos onto the ground

Zapdos: why did you save me human? Wait why am i asking? Humans are too stupid to understand a basic language thats been around for years

Phoinex: hey! I'm not stupid! If i was why would i have saved you?

Zapdos: you almost killed yourself! Of course you are stupid! If it wasnt for your dragon you would've died! 3 whole times!

Char: i save you and the best i get called is dragon?

Zapdos: boo hoo, you shouldnt care what you get called!

Zapdos finnally gets up but doesnt fly away. Phoinex's phone starts ringing and he answers it

Phoinex: yeah Soar? What is it?

Soar: King wants to know how much longer 

Phoinex: tell him i'm still doing it, i just saved it from falling to death and am currently argueing with it

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2023 ⏰

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