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This may be long but I'd like to make it easier for people to see which shots are what. So, leets start off with this list.


🥀 - Sad, comfort
🌼 - Fluff, hanging out
💥 - Chaos.
☕️ - Smut
💙 - Other
📌 - Suggestion taking, or info about the upcoming chapters.

Now, lets get onto some rules.
I am working on this, and it may take me ages to produce some work. But i hope you take a moments time to remember that although you may not know me, I am human. It will take me forever to think of ideas, and more. I am not a machine, and cant pop out new oneshots everyday. All i need, is time. If you ever want to suggest something please read below!

To suggest something, i will often make a page dedicated to suggestions, you may suggest anything, but if i decline it for good reason, like i may not be comfortable, or its just wrong, please dont get angry as I do have my own boundaries.
Now, to make a valid suggestion please put what theme and who you'd like to be in it. Also dont forget to put a short script of what happens, you dont have to go into detail, just tell me where, when and what.

"My Coloured Sunshines" A Color Crew OneShotWhere stories live. Discover now