🌼 "Hide and Seek"

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"YELLO!?" Boosfer shouted out, looking around and smacking his forehead. Suddenly, Yello appeared behind him, hitting his back lightly, before hiding again. This went on for minutes, Boosfer would call, Yello would hit n run. Boosfer found this annoying, yet adorable, but as soon as he was about to give up, he catches something yellow in the corner of his eye. He looks down and sighs, acting as though he hadn't noticed, and sat down on the chair he was hiding behind. Yello pauses, and lifts an arm up to silently celebrate.

"BOO!" Boosfer shouted as he tagged Yello before he could react, he then bolted off, leaving Yello there shocked.

Boosfer ran with the others, as kier stook out his hand, waving to Boosfer to climb under the bed with them. He did, but it was rather uncomfortable.

"Kier, Dev?!" Yello raised his voice. There seemed to be no answer though.

Yello eventually gives up and shouts "Guys, you win! I can't find you."  But there was no answer. He finds that strange and just thinks they were talking about something, until he went to go check each room, and in one (the room they had been biding in) he could hear faint snores, he double checked the room and ducks under, to see three idiots huddled underneath the bed, asleep. Who knows how long they'd been asleep for.

Yello dragged kier from under the bed, and collapsed onto the couch, still holding his unconscious body. He sighs and gets up, and puts him into his room.

He goes back and collects Dev, and does the same. Unfortunately he was much heavier than Kier. Yello groans miserably before heading back a final time, and picks up Boosfer, who was much lighter. Yello was relieved at that, because he couldn't handle picking up another heavy lunatic ever again.

||| KIER'S POV |||

I lazily woke up and rubbed my eyes, dizzy and dazed. I tried to get up but felt some weight pushing me down, I looked down and saw Boosfer laying on my chest, I was relieved at the sight, scruffing his fluffy hair up, and removing my body off the bed and replacing it with a pillow to not awake the green. I was confused on what had happened, and how I had been in Yello's bed. Dev wasn't here, and neither was Yello. I'll just get something to eat after I take this shower.


Yello and Dev sat in the kitchen, before finally Yello gets up and nudges Dev.

Dev looks up from his phone to see Yello, and he just walks next to the oven and preheats the stove. Yello takes two pans and places them onto the now ready stove. He opens the nearby fridge and whips out some milk, and some fresh eggs. He cracks five of them into a cup, and pours in around 100 mls of water and 100 mls of milk. He whisks it for around a minute before pouring them on and getting a spoon to slowly turn them into fluffy scrambled eggs. He adds a pinch of salt, and once ready he takes the pans off the heat. He searches the fridge once again, but he couldn't find the bacon.

"Dev, can you get Boosfer and go to the sho-" Yello said before a tired Boosfer interrupted and crashed through.

"Speak of the devil," Dev said

"Awwwh, you guys were talking about me?" Boosfer Coo'd, innocently smirking.

"Anyways, you two need to go to the shops and get some bacon, hashbrowns, beans and more bread!" Yello firmly told them.

"Okay!" Boosfer and Dev said simultaneously.

Dev and Boosfer went to the downstairs bathroom, and both exchanged a sly grin. Boosfer slightly pushed Dev and steals the sink area so he could get ready first.

Dev retaliated by nudging him further, and butting into the space.

Boosfer attacked back.

Dev attacked more.

They both started squabbling, and ended up pinning eachother down. Boosfer pinned dev down before he gives up. Boosfer smacks him and sticks his tongue out childishly.

In return, Dev rolls his eyes stubbornly and pushes the green-haired boy away, and allows him to freshen up first.

Afterwards, Boosfer steps out, teasingly elbowing Dev, and closing the bathroom door behind him.

Dev scowled, and also freshened up.

By the time Dev had finished, Boosfer had already changed into more formal outwear, and was now sat at the table, tapping his foot on the floor impatiently.

A few minutes passed and Dev arrived back down, in much nicer clothes now.

They said goodbye to Yello and went outside, the fresh breeze waking Boosfer up fully now.

To be continued...

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2023 ⏰

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