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"Welcome aboard to Gremlin Air" A gremlin flight attendant, a piece of the plane, came off. The plane kept going up and down, and every time it did, Y/n would cling to her seat.

"You good?" Johnny asked her "I-I'm fine," She said, finally unclinging to her seat. "And unbuckle your seatbelt," the flight attendant said. Johnny raised an eyebrow and was gonna do so before Y/n grabbed his hands. "Don't you even dare," She firmly said: a monster in front of the two got launched into the air. The two make eye contact "see, that could have happened to you." Y/n said

A suitcase got thrown outside Y/n's window. The two friends paused, the two looked outside and looked back at each other. "Next time we go to Modern Airlines with the kids and Dan's family?" Y/n said "Good plan-Ah!" Johnny clung to her as a fast-moving cart passed them. "SNACKS, BEVERAGES!" The flight attendants said a bit too excited.

Johnny un-clinged himself, and the two saw a monster's arm get twisted, and the fly guy got squished from the cart. "AHHH!" Bigfoot yelled and the two friends cringed. "this surprise better be good" Johnny said, still watching the monsters getting hurt by the cart.

"I'm sure it is..." She looked outside, a gremlin poked its head, scaring her. "..please tell me you saw that" Johnny looked at her confused "saw what-ah! why is it outside!" He pointed to the gremlin, it looked at the two friends and blew a raspberry at them before disappearing.

"Okay folks, you're free to move. We have started our descent," the captain said just about the plane started to fall. The two friends started to scream and clung to each other.

"Snack? Beverages?" The flight attendants asked, but no one heard their statement because the two best friends were screaming for their lives. "WERE GONNA DIE" Johnny yelled just as they hit the sea.

They got up to the surface no later than two seconds later, "Ladies and Gentlemen we've arrived at our destination the Bermuda Triangle." The now-broken plane was making its way toward the Bermuda Triangle.

"Is that a waterfall?" Y/n asked while pointing to the waterfall "what?" Johnny said but not a second later the plane went down the waterfall.

Y/n clung onto her seat, and Johnny clung to her, the two screamed as they went down the waterfall.


"Land! Finally!" Johnny yelled before he started kissing the ground "you okay?" Marcellus asked Y/n who was currently trying to warm herself up. "I'm you think the kids landed yet?" Marcellus looked up and saw figures jumping out of the plane. Two of them turned into bats and grabbed onto the other, falling three together. Marcellus smiled and pulled Y/n into his grasp. "They're fine" he smiled and kissed her cheek.

"Let's get going," Dracula said, and everyone started walking inside. After a few seconds of walking, they made it to a door. The door opened to reveal a barefoot fish.

"Welcome, to the Bermuda Triangle. Where you'll embark on a monster cruise of a lifetime" it opened the door more so everyone could see the big ship coming towards them.

Everyone started making their way to the ship, "Mommy!" Travis yelled, approaching Y/n in his bat form, Y/n put her hands out, and he de-transformed. He laughed and clung to Y/n. "Mommy! Uncle Johnny!" Denis said running up to the two and hugging their legs.

"Hey boys," Johnny said ruffling Dennis's black curly hair. Denis giggled and put his hands up a sign he wanted to be held. Johnny reached down to get him but Dracula beat him to it. "Let's go family!"

Y/n chuckled at Johnny's baffled expression, "Hi daddy" Travis said, and she turned to see Marcellus smiling at them. "You coming dear?" He nodded and walked to them and they all walked inside the ship.

A Few Minutes Later:

 They managed to find Dan and his family, and the ship started moving once everyone was inside. Marcellus wanted to take a picture to remember this day. Which is why they were standing in front of a background that reads WELCOME ABOARD.

Dracula was still carrying Dennis on his back, Marcellus was making Sora float, and Esther leaned on Dan's shoulder, as the two held hands. Y/n was still holding Travis who was placing a kiss on her cheek. Johnny leaned on Y/n's shoulder and did a peace sign.

They heard the camera snap the picture twice, and the fish guy handed them the pictures. The fish handed Marcellus the pictures.

In one picture all you could see was: Sora floating with a blue mist surrounding him, Esther leaning on Dan's shoulder and the two holding hands, Y/n smiling as Johnny was leaning on her shoulder doing a peace sign.

He looked at the second picture and was amazed in this one you could see everyone, not just the humans. He smiled seeing everyone's smiling faces. "wow..they manage to get you guys on camera!" Y/n said in a bit of amazement. "amazing right?" A soft voice spoke to them. They looked to the sides but saw no one was there. "Weird..." Y/n mumbled as they caught up with the group. 

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