26- the law on your side

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While two people formed an unlikely connection, two sets of phones also connected. In quite an alarming way.

The Williams and the Conway found an empty bed and a house with missing children, and both sets of parents decided to ring one coach.

"It is one in the-"


"What? Where is she, Sarah?!l" He was half asleep, mumbling his words.

"Gordon, if I knew that I wouldn't be calling you!" She yelled down the line.

"Okay, alright that's fair. I'm getting dressed, I'm getting up. I'm not even awake yet!" He was still in a trance fueled by a lack of sleep.

"You don't need to narrate things, Gordon! Just-"

"I'm getting another call to hang on.." He yawned.

"Who is calling you at this time?" She demanded to know.

"Casey, you're going on hold.." He said.

"Don't you dare-"

No matter how threatening Sarah Williams was, Bombay still dared to put her on hold.

"CHARLIES NOT HERE!" Screamed the woman down the phone, causing more unnecessary ear pain.

"Good morning to you-"

"Don't back talk me, my child is missing!" She continued.

"Yeah and so is Mia, they're probably out together.." Gordan pieced together.

"Well, what are you gonna-"

At the same time, remarkably, Gordan received another phone call but this time he didn't recognize the number. Which made it all the more interesting.

"Hang on, getting another call.."

"Gordan if you dare to hang out-"

Yes, again Gordan dared to hang up the phone even though it guaranteed him an earful from both sets of guardians when he returned.

"Sir we believe your rink has been broken into.." The man muffled at the end of the line.

"What? I don't own a rink.."

"Are you a George Bomtay?"

"No, I'm Gordon Bombay, a world-famous hockey coach who doesn't like being woken up at one in the morning.." He groaned.

"Close enough, listen we have two juveniles on the ice here-"

"Sorta tall white boy in a red flannel and a smaller brown-haired girl who keeps insulting him?" Gordon replied.

"Um, yes exactly.."

"Give me a few minutes, I'll pick them up. Just a quick one, where did you get this number.."

"Some dude named Hans signed this information in case of an incident, I'm just doing my job.."

"Hans huh? Alright, thanks.."

After that phone call, Gordon took a moment to himself before having to hear the further screams of two borderline insane women, as he would call them.


"I told you if you hung up on me I would-"

"Sarah, I found them. I'll pick you up in a few minutes.." He interrupted, hanging up the phone before getting a lecture.

He got dressed, taking his car on the few-minute drive to the Williams house. He waited outside, feeling like a teenager sneaking out. He saw the upstairs light turn off, descending the house into darkness. The front door opened and she arrived out, looking fed up with the entire situation.

"Good morning.." She yawned, stepping into the car and shutting the door behind her.

"Good morning to you too.." He replied.

"Where are they?" She asked him as the car started to drive.

"I actually don't know, this was just an elaborate plan to take you out.." He joked, although it was too early in the morning for jokes.

"Very funny.." It was indeed not funny at all.

They chatted in small amounts as they drove to the rink. The funny thing about their town was how small it was. How quickly you could travel to from place to place and how everybody knew everything about everyone. It didn't take long for them to arrive, the whole thing making sense in Sarah's mind now.

They walked in quietly, like on some sort of spy mission.

"Gordon you-"




They decided to move into one of the offices that had a window viewing the rink, somewhere that Sarah was allowed to talk.

Sarah was shocked to see her niece skating. This wasn't on the cards for her ever again, Mia's injury was extremely serious and now, she was skating. Sarah's eyes began watering.

"Are you crying?" Gordon looked at her and asked.

"Surprisingly, I experience emotions other they rage.." She said while wiping her eyes.

"It looks like they're finally getting along.." Gordon smiled.

"She has a lot of her mother in her, she's stubborn. Incredibly stubborn.." She smiled, watching her niece skating around, with the biggest smile on her face.

"Were you good friends with her mother?" He asked.

"The best. When she died I moved to Germany. I couldn't face it. Mia is her mother's twin. Eleanor met my brother on a night out and they never looked back.." She explained, realizing how little Mia has spoken about her mother just by looking at Bombay's face.

"I'm sorry, Sarah."

"For what?"

"You lost your best friend.." He replied.

"I haven't told anyone this but, I'm going to try to adopt Mia, or get sole custody or something like that.." She said, turning to Gordon to him with her crazy idea.

"What? Is that possible?"

"You're the lawyer, you tell me!" He was flustered in confusion.

"I'm not a custody lawyer!"

"Henry wasn't a divorce lawyer but he still represented himself!" Words were becoming shouts now.

"Who the fuck is Henry?!"

"My ex-husband, keep up!"

"I don't think it's possible, unless you can prove negligence, abuse or something like that, it's not possible.." He replied.

"Well, yeah we can prove that. That's possible. I'm gonna need a lawyer.." She smiled at him.

"Hm, I don't know a custody lawyer-"

"Bombay are you dumb-"

"I'm kidding, I'll represent you, of course, I will. It's gonna take a long time and a lot of work.." He explained to her.

"Good because lawyers are expensive.." She laughed back.

"You're not planning on paying me?!"

"I'm paying you in my company, that's more than enough.." She smiled.

quick ps that if you like criminal minds and spencer reid i just dropped a book on my account!! if you are interested in "paint and literature" give it a read and a comment!!

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