4 | Hopefulness Pt. 2

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I got to wake up as I felt my body getting dropped on something. As I opened my eyes, I could see Hyunjin standing in front of me. I quick glance around me made me realize that I was laying in my room again.

Wait, how did he bring me up here if I was asleep in the bus?

Before I got to ask anything, he left the room and closed the door behind him.

"Damn" I heard Changbin say.

Startled, I sat up and noticed him and Seungmin sitting on the couch behind me.

"You- you saw that?"

"Yes, we did" answered Seungmin.

"Can you pretend you didn't?"

"We will not" they both answered at the same time.

I let myself flop on the pillow again. The Hyunjin of two weeks ago would have never done that. Was Hyunjin changing already? Is that a good sign for me?

All of a sudden, I started to hear some lip-smacking behind me. Disgusted, I gave Changbin a death look and exited the room. "Ew", I said to myself. Couples can be cute, but it's disgusting to see your own roommate being intimate with someone else.

Since I didn't have any other classes for the rest of the day, I decided to go for a quick walk. But of course, my plans had to get ruined by mother earth.

I stood outside, and it was pouring cats and dogs.

"Woke up already?" I heard someone say, and it was Hyunjin who was leaning against a pole under the roof.

With his right hand, he was holding a fuming cigarette.

"Oh hey"

He took a drag on the cigarette and let the smoke evaporate out of his lips.

"You shouldn't have picked me up to my room, waking me up should have been enough"

Hyunjin tsked and looked away in the rain "Again you with your ungratefulness" he commented.

"You were just way lighter than I thought" he added, to which I rolled my eyes.

I scoffed and crossed my arms in front of my chest "I just don't understand why you are acting this way."

Hyunjin dragged at the cigarette for the last time and let it fall on the floor.

"Why, are you scared you will fall for me?"

What did he say?

"W-what? No, you're getting that wrong"

Hyunjin laughed out loud at my response "Okay you're acting suspicious now Felix"

His eyes got darker as he put his hands in his pockets. "What are you doing here anyway?" he continued to ask.

Dumbstrucked, I just stood there. A minute passed by; just the us two staring at each other.

"Are you up for food?" he interrupted the silence and got off from the pole.


5 minutes later I was sitting at the front seat of his car. The car didn't smell of smoke at all, which surprised me.

"I didn't know you had a driving license"

"I didn't know you would agree for food this fast" he commented.



Hyunjin started the engine and drove off; away from our dorm. I gripped at my seatbelt tightly, I was kind of nervous to sit in a small space next to him. I mean, Hyunjin could do everything possible, you never knew.

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