"James Dean daydream look in your eye"

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After a long week of walking in multiple shows, sitting in hair and makeup, constant practice runs, and countless amounts of interviews, lastly was the Louis Vuitton show. Zayn couldn't be more ready.

He was super anxious considering his collaboration, Louis Vuitton X Zayn, would finally be released. He had been working tirelessly on the collection. What started out as a simple sketch turned into him having his own line.

While on set almost a year ago at a photoshoot for the brand, he worked on a sketch for class in between breaks. He was called to set and his sketchbook with all of his artwork and designs laid out.

The head designer and creator, Nicolas Chesquière, passed by and did a double take. He hadn't seen such simple yet classic and fresh designs like this. When asked who's it was Zayn shyly raised his hand. After the shoot he was approached by the designer who asked if he'd be willing to work together one day.

He was an English major with a minor in Fashion. In the beginning he had only went to university for an experience. He chose the two top subjects he was interested in because he didn't have a plan.

He knew he could always fall back on modeling, but with this big opportunity working with the brand, maybe he'd get a foot in the design world door.

Now more than ever he wanted something outside of his complicated life that could be his own. Of course there would be his part in the agency, but he wanted more control over his life because of this contract so he really wanted this to succeed now.

First he would be walking a few looks in the regular collection. After those walks he would change into his own line. Instead of walking he would come out alongside the creative director and announce the mini collection.

When the show began he was in line backstage with the other 40 plus models including his friends Gigi and Kendall. At the start of the music and the chaos of backstage, he began his pre walk ritual of mouthing the ABC's backwards. On his cue from a person with a headset he turned the corner and started down the catwalk.

Since Liam was appointed head of the agency it was his job to come to high profile shows like this to recruit potentials, network, and of course be there for his "boyfriend." Usually his father attended a few shows during this week but Niall made it a point to tell Liam he had to attend every show Zayn was in.

To his dismay, he sat front row of Zayn's last show sitting right by Harry. The models family and his father Geoff were in attendance as well but sat a bit of ways away from the two.

Before the start of the show he sat awkwardly next to Harry. They had been sitting silently for about 20 minutes. "So have you guys spoke?" Harry itched to say.

"Yes?" Liam raised his brow at the models friend.

Harry groaned. "Other than your fake little dates." He rolled his eyes.

"Well I'm surprised you don't know styles. I'm sure he tells you everything no?" Liam said staring at his phone reading some emails.

"No need to get all worked up but no. He doesn't. He kinda keeps to himself about all that now..."

"Then that's his place to tell you not mine." Liam started getting irritated.

"Look. My thoughts about you aside, I think you guys should talk. He cares about you." Harry explained staring at the runway.

When hearing that last sentence Liam got a flashback to him telling Zayn the way he felt. A bit of pain came across his emotions and he slightly raised his voice at the younger boy. "Does he Harry? Did he tell you that I did share with him how I cared too? No? Well I did and he said it didn't mean anything. So it doesn't matter."

"No he didn't... but to be fair I do know him and don't think he meant it... he likes you and from what I can see you do to. I really think you guys should talk this out." Harry shrugged at him.

Surprised at Harry's honesty Liam couldn't think of what to say. He kept opening his mouth but no words would leave. "Wh-why tell me this now?" He questioned finally finding his sentence.

"Well... I think this contract is the worst and shouldn't be put on anyone, not even you. Ever since I met him the way he talks about you is just different. All those headlines and articles about you being well... you, he would defend." He said with a hint of annoyance.

"Defend?" Liam tilted his head.

"I mean have you read them? Yeah you have the looks and all, but they say some pretty harsh things about you. He would say you only acted that way because your dad has always been harsh on you. Trust me I wouldn't hold back when we had our first encounter. You were a dick, but I went in on you and he explained you were going through a rough time with your breakup too. It just didn't give you an excuse to be a complete asshole, but because Zayn is Zayn he basically apologized for you. He even sometimes wished he wasn't a model so you could've had a connection with your father..." Harry recited his thoughts to the then speechless man.

"Bottom line Liam I don't want to see him hurt, and this contract means nothing when it comes to that. It's you that he cares about. It's the only reason he agreed to it so you didn't suffer." He turned away as the music that started.

Liam at a loss for words just locked his eyes one the floor. Everything around him went silent and it was just him and his thoughts. Never in his life had he been so conflicted. The reason he was so cold with Zayn at first was because he knew he wasn't right for him. Zayn deserved better. Yeah at the time his feelings for him were pretty much dormant, but it was easier to act like he didn't care than admitting it. It made him look back.

While he was dealing with his own things there Zayn was keeping up with what was going on in his life. Zayn went through a really traumatic experience and he had no clue about it. It made him feel guilty even though it was in the past, but he felt that he could've done something, prevented, or even not been selfish for once. He blamed Zayn for so much because his dad was always praising him.

While the show continued everything sounded so distant. A tap from Harry on his shoulder brought him out of his trance. Zayn turned the corner and effortlessly glided down the runway dawning a blue floral print button up with the brands name across his chest.
All the thoughts in his head regarding the previous conversation vanished. All he focused on was Zayn.

When modeling Zayn always focused straight ahead. As he made his first run down the runway he caught Liam's figure sitting front row next to Harry. He broke his focus and made eye contact with Liam for a few seconds, then looked forward. It looked like his lip curled up in a grin.

Focusing back on his pace he rounded out his walk and on his way back noticed his family, Geoff, and Karen. He then turned the corner and ran to quick change.

A few more looks later the regular collection was over and then it was his. The crowd cheered as he walked onstage aside the head creative director. With the mic he announced his collection which caused another uproar. Before turning back around and allowing the models to start he caught a glimpse of Liam. Part of him felt comfort in the fact that he came even though he knew he had to since Niall said so.

As the few models walked the runway he could hear the crowd from backstage. At the close of the show when the last model in his line came back, he walked out once again to take a bow.

When he went backstage again he was tackled by Kendall and Gigi. They gushed of how proud they were of him for the collaboration and how they all "slayed" the runway, as Gigi would put it. They continued to go on about the show as their other friends joined in the group.

"Congratulations Zayn." He heard in all the commotion. The group broke apart to reveal the man he hadn't explained everything to.

"KJ you came!!" Gigi said apprehensively before running up to hug him.

Zayn looked to Kendall and immediately grew nervous. He figured that since the very public announcement of him and Liam, KJ would be upset, yet here he was backstage at the show congratulating him.

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