Dangerous Liaisons

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Merry late Christmas!!! Here's a bit longer chapter than usual. You'll see why 😉

"Can I ask you something?" Liam breaks the silence.

Zayn goes wide eyed for a split second then goes to his normal face before Liam could catch it. Hesitantly he sets down his fork. His heart was pounding. Why was he always so nervous around Liam? He follows up with a "Go ahead."

"How are you still okay with all of this?" The older one out of the two asks.

"I mean... okays a pretty broad term. We kinda have to be though right? There's not much we can do now we signed the papers." Zayn shrugs.

"Right. That's fair I guess." Liam still pokes at his plate.

"Why'd you ask all of a sudden?" Zayn sips at his water.

"Just curious." he responds.

After more silence between the two they get up and clean the dining room setting the couple of dishes they used in the sink. Zayn offers to wash them and as he does so he starts taking in the interior again. Their styles were so different.

Zayns bright and airy was Liams dark and gloomy. It fit the man though. He was very proper and business like so it kinda matched his over all vibe. He wondered if his loft style was an accurate representation of his vibes.

"So Ed said he'd get us in touch with his PR guy. He's available tomorrow to meet around two. I'll go ahead and set it up." Liam calls out moving to the living room and plopping down on the couch.

Zayn exits the kitchen and sits by Liam with a decent amount of space between them. "I was going shopping with Harry can we schedule for earlier?"

"Seriously? Shopping? Can't that wait? The two of you are always out shopping anyways." Liam shakes his head.

Surprised at Liams accusations Zayn gets defensive. At was rare him and Harry actually got to go shopping. Zayns clothes have always been given to him from brands. Even if he did get to shop he wasn't one of those privileged brats that Liam assumes him to be. Even Harry, though he came from a pretty wealthy family, was always thrifting for his wardrobe.

"Were going Christmas shopping for my families gifts. I wasn't going for myself and I'm not always out shopping." Zayn retorts back to Liam with a hint of attitude.

"Well then reschedule for a different day because that's the only time he can meet." Liam nods his head still focused on his phone.

"WELL I can't. Christmas is next week and I need to get them presents so just go without me." Zayn rolls his eyes again. There he goes being bossy again he thought.

"I think we both should be there. That's kinda beside the point if only one of us shows up. Plus I don't want you getting pissed off at me for simply reciting what he thinks we should do." Liam throws his hands up in frustration.

Zayn was growing annoyed at how demanding Liam was. He got being told what to by directors, photographers, even his parents, but Liam? His mind raced to when they were kids and Liam being older just naturally bossed him around so it brought up some feelings. "I'm getting pissed off at you thinking you can just tell me what I can and cannot do." Zayn argues back. Usually he holds back but he was over it.

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