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After Garren picked me up, we drove back to town in silence. He didn't ask what happened, and I didn't want to talk about it. Except, maybe I did.

Garren opened his mouth to say something, when I blurted it out. I told him about how Wyat and I were hanging out. I told him how Wyat had invited me to go with him, and how Wyat had gotten so close. I finished off with telling him how I didn't want to be close to Wyat then, because I still remembered how good it felt to kiss Garren.

Then I stopped. I looked at him. He was silent, but I could see a little smirk in the corner of his mouth. I smacked his arm. He laughed, and said, "Hey! It's fine. You know, I feel the same way." He paused and put his hand through his hair before continuing, "Kilee tried the same thing."

I stared at him open mouthed. "Did you kiss her?" I asked. He glanced at me, then returned his eyes to the road. He shook his head. I gave a sigh of relief, and the car ride continued to music, since we turned on the radio.

We pulled up in front of my car. Garren turned off the radio, and we sat there for a little bit. Finally, I went to un-buckle myself. "Thanks for getting me-" My sentence stopped as he put his hand on mine.

He looked at me very seriously, "Devynn, I need to tell you something." Taking a breath, he continued, "I need to tell you, what I've kept from you for a while. Devynn, I love you."

I didn't know how to react. Nervous, Garren started saying sorry. "No wonder," I thought, "He always acts so flirty around me." Garren was still apologizing. I realized I loved him, too. I leaned forward and kissed him, stopping his words. It felt just as good as last time.

When we broke apart, we both smiled. "I love you, too." I whispered. I got out of the car, and got in mine. Garren had driven away. I pulled out, and started home.

When I got there, the smoke alarm was going off, and every window and door was open. I ran inside to find my mom waving smoke out. I didn't see any fire, but I saw a burnt casserole on the stovetop.

We got the smoke cleared, and my mom put her hand on her forehead. "I'm sorry, Devynn. It was your favorite. I was just in a hurry to get back to work, but...well." She gestured to the casserole. I told her it was fine, and that I could get my own food.

She headed out thirty minutes later. I got a text from Wyat, and opened it. It said, "Hey, I'm sorry about earlier. Can I make it up over dinner? I'll pay. Cursino's at 8?" I was pretty confused. Wyat had come pretty strong, but I loved Cursino's, which was a family friend's place. I decides to shrug this afternoon off, and said yes.

I hurried to my room to get ready. I had a half hour, but I could make it. I put on a one-shoulder long sleeve, mini skirt dress, and short, black heels. I started to put my hair in a bun, but changed my mind, and curled it down to the side.

After making sure my make-up was good, I heard the doorbell. I texted my mom, telling her I was going out to eat. Then, opened the door to see Wyat standing in a tuxedo. We both looked at each other, impressed. He escorted me to the car, after I locked the house, and opened the car for me.

I didn't remember much of the night, except that the food was delicious, and one particular topic. Wyat asked me a random question, "How did you get home?" I brushed some hair out of my face, and replied, "My friend, Garren, picked me up." He nodded, and questioned me about Garren. "He's sweet, and I've known him for a long time." I answered.

Wyat kept nodding, and asked a new question, "So, you love him." I was kind of taken aback, and quickly said, "That's a bit of an odd question for a date." He grinned, "So this is a date?"

I didn't know how to answer. I stood up and said, "This has been nice, but I want to go home."
He stood up, left the money on the table, and followed me out.

It was a long walk to his car, and it got pretty cold. Seeing me rub my arm, he took off his jacket and put it on me. I muttered a thanks, and noticed his jacket smelt weird. I started getting lightheaded. I tripped, and nearly fell on my face.

Wyat gave me a look of concern. "Are you okay?" I turned to him, and said, "Yeah, I'm fine." Right after that, I fell to the ground. "Devynn!" Wyat exclaimed, "You're obviously not okay." He stooped down and picked me up bridal style.

Wyat started carrying me to the car. I struggled, but managed to stand on the ground in front of an alley. "Wyat, I'm fine. I promise." A pair of hands grabbed my shoulders and pulled me back. "Wyat!" I screamed out. A grimey hand covered my mouth, and another arm was around my arms, keeping them still. I struggled against who held me. I saw Wyat running towards me.

Suddenly, he stopped, staring at my stomach. A point poked at my stomach, and I saw a knife in the man's hand. I whimpered, and tried to hold back tears. Wyat stepped forward, and the point poked further, nearly piercing my skin. Wyat turned around, and the man started to loosen his grip. "Good.." he muttered.

Then, before I knew it, Wyat turned around and punched the man right in the shoulder. He released me, and went to fight Wyat. I fell on the ground and watched as Wyat knocked the man out. He picked me up again, and started running as I let my tears flow onto his shoulder.

We made it back onto the sidewalk, and got to Wyat's car. He put me back down to stand and looked at me. Tears were running down my face, messing up my mascara. I moaned at Wyat, falling onto him, saying, "I almost got kidnapped!" The smell of the jacket got stronger, and I got dizzier. Wyat pulled away from me slightly, smirked, and said, "The night's not over yet."

He reached forward and grabbed my arms, as my world faded to black.

Insanity (COMPLETED) #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now