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I woke up in a dark place, and tried to move. I had no space. Putting my hands in front of me, I felt solid wall. I could hear some music. Then I realized where I was.

A couple weeks ago, Wyat showed me all of his car. He didn't have a trunk, but a long, skinny compartment under the backseats. That's where I happened to me.

I tried to push the seat up, but couldn't get it to move. We went over a bump, and my head bounced and hit the bottom of the box. Spots danced in what little vision I had.

I tried to lift the seat again, but the car jolted to a stop. The engine stopped, and someone got out of the car. The back door opened, and the seat started to lift. I quickly pretended to be asleep.

Keeping my eyes cracked open, I saw Wyat lean over a pick me out of the compartment. He was carrying me Bridal style again. I looked at my surroundings and saw no neighborhood, but us going into a house. We were moments from the porch.

I took my oppurtunity. I opened my eyes and came out of his arms. He was still in shock when I pulled my leg around and knocked him off his feet. While he was down, I took off, yelling for help.

Wyat soon caught up with me and I tripped. Turning my head, I saw him pick me up and throw me over his shoulder. I kicked and threw my fists the whole time. We got into the house and he tossed me into a chair. After locking the door he grabbed my wrist and pulled me away. I kept yelling, trying to get away from him.

Wyat led me to a door, and I saw it led to the basement. I started yelling louder and grabbed onto the door frame. I was pulled off, and carried downstairs. When we go to the bottom, He covered my mouth with his hand. I yelled into his palm and struggled against his arm that kept pushing me.

I fell to my knees in front of a wall. I looked up and saw a bar bolted to the wall above me. "No, no." I kept repeating. Wyat lifted me up, and put my right arm by the bar, and proceeded to tie it to the bar. I kept pulling away, but he finished tying it, and did the same with the other.

As Wyat walked away, I screamed. He came back with a piece of Duct Tape. I pulled my head back as he put it towards my lips. Successfully, Wyat covered my mouth. I yelled, but no one could hear me. I slumped down as much as I could. Wyat went upstairs, and shut off the light.

For the first time that night, I realized I wasn't going home.



I woke up to my phone ringing. I raised my head and picked it up. It was Devynn's mom. I sat up and checked it again. It was definitely Devynn's mom. I answered it, wondering why she was calling me. "Hello?" Her voice rushed at me, saying, "Garren! I'm so glad you answered. You have to meet me at the Police Station."

I asked her why, and what she said next made my heart drop.

"Devynn's missing."

I jumped up and shut off my phone. Thirty minutes later, I was at the station, my heart pounding. Mariann, Devynn's mom, came out of an office followed by the sheriff. Tears poured down her face. I ran to her. "Is it true?" I asked as I grabbed her shoulders. She looked at me, and I knew it.

I fell into a chair. The sheriff stepped forward and asked, "Can you tell me the last time you saw her?" I nodded in reply, stood up, and followed the sheriff to his office.

A detective was inside, and he had his notebook out. We sat down and the discussion started. I told him all about the day before, and he recorded it on a tape, while the detective took notes.

I told them about how I had gotten a call from Devynn, and picking her up. I told them what she told me about Wyat. I finished with dropping her off by her car. I never talked about the kiss. It was too private. The sheriff sat up and said one sentence, "One thing the stories have in common is the person we will interrogate next: Wyat Brent."



I woke up to light shining in my eyes. I looked around and took in what I hadn't seen last night. The basement was full of work-out equipment. I looked up and wiggled my wrists. I couldn't loosen the rope.

The Duct Tape was getting itchy and moist from my breath. I rubbed my mouth against my arm and the tape started to peel. Suddenly, a creak of a door sounded above. Wyat came down the stairs and started towards me. I put my back against the wall. He reached forward and pulled of the tape, and I opened my mouth to yell, right before he covered my mouth with his hand.

My head was shoved against the wall. Tears forced their way out of my eyes. Wyat brought up a sock and forced it into my mouth. Next, he went down and pulled a pair of pants and a shirt out from behind him. I noticed my shoes were off my feet, and Wyat started to pull the pants up my legs. I took my leg and kicked him.

He fell back and seemed to decide that I should do it myself. He reached up and untied my wrists. I went to shove forward, but he stopped me. Grabbing my arm, Wyat took me to a closet and tossed the shirt inside. I went in next, and he locked the door behind me.

I pulled the sock out of my mouth. Wyat finally said something, "The walls down here are soundproof." With that, I gave up on the choice to scream, and changed in the dark. I knocked on the door, and he opened it.

Instantly, he grabbed my arms and held them behind me. Wyat had more tape and went to cover my mouth, when he noticed my hair would get in the way. Pulling an elastic from my wrist, Wyat put me on the floor and pinned me. My hair was being pulled backwards.

We got back up, and I saw he had expertly put my hair in a braid. He got the tape, and put it on my mouth. I started pulling, and he put rope around me. Wrapping it multiple times around my torso and arms, finishing by tying my wrists together. Instead of going back to the pull-up bar, Wyat took me to a room.

Opening the door, I saw there was one small light. The rest was hard, black walls, and a cement floor. Wyat took the end of the rope and tied it to a metal loop in the floor. I was sat in the corner, and the door was locked.

It was official. Devynn Gray was kidnapped.


Hey guys! This was so exciting! I have been waiting for this chapter! Thanks for reading, and don't forget to check out LulubugHancock, and my other two books, Feet to Fin and The Devined.


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