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Sapnap pov:
I saw lights Shining in my eyes and it made me wake up "i guess it's moring" i said while i yawned and got out of bed

Just as i was about to go downstairs my mom said "good moring Nick, go change and i"ll call you for breakfast, okay?" my mom said

I went back upstairs and opened the door to my room and took out some clothes, when i was done with that i walked to the bathroom

I took a hot shower and when i was done i putted on a flame hood and black ripped pants, my mom does'nt allow me to wear these types of jeans but she really does'nt care anymore

Just when i was finishing up, i opened the bathroom door and went downstairs "Ah!,Nick! Just in time, go have a seat!" my mom said i walked downstairs and went to the kitchen to eat my food

I looked at my food and realize it was eggs and bacon i smiled it was one of my favorite breakfast snice i was a kid "dig in!" my mom said

I ate the eggs first, and then the Bacons
"so,Nick, did you know that your school is in 2 more days?" my mom said, i opened my eyes "I ONLY HAVE 2 MORE DAYS UNTILL SCHOOL?!" i said in my mind "Y-yeah, i toally Know!" i said while chucking nevorusly my mom eyed me for a bit then went back to her food

"Good, cause i don't wanna remined you you have school in 2 more days" my mom said, after that we just had dead silence and finised our food

After that, i went to my room and opened the door then sat on my chair
Then i pulled out my phone and texted my friend Karl


Dude!, i only have 2 more days untill school!

                                            sucks for you

Ughhhhhhhhhhhh, i hate this fucking school

                                      hey, it's there fault

            anyways, i have homework to do bye

Bye, Karl

                                                   bye, Sapnap

"What am i gonna do now?" i said bored "maybe i"ll just play a game on my phone" i said,

"okay, now i'am really bored" i said suddenly an idea came to my mind i went downstairs and saw my mom " mom!" i said "yeah,Nick?" she said while look at me " can you drive me to Karl's place?" i said looking happy "ofcourse!, just be back at 5:00 ok?, also if you need help drving you back home you can text me okay?

"Okay!" i said while smiling from ear to ear "can i just put on my shoes?" i said "alright make it quick!" my mom said, i raced to my room and quickly put on my black and white Converse, then i raced downstairs "done!" i said "Alright get on the car, i"ll get the car keys" my mom said

I walked outside and waited for my mom and i saw her lock the door and click the car keys then i heard a beeping noise i opened the car door and closed it , i saw my mom walking to the car a opening the car door " Nick, put on your seatblet" my mom said " oh right!" i said i quickly put on my Seatbelt and so did my mom

And after that my mom was driving the car i smliled and rembered how long i had'nt been in Karl's place, today i was going to meet him

Hello! If you read my last chapter you must've know that i got 54 place in dreamnap, thank you all for doing that! I did'nt know we could reach that far!
Thank you for the vote WhiteSnowyWinter678 Love you <3333333333333333
Love you guys!
Word count:635

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