[Bitches & Butterflies]

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Melanie Whitlock POV

Oh Hell No! My mind keeps repeating over and over as Drisella sits her pale ass down in the seat right next to me, smirking as she starts taking her notebooks out of her bag. I roll my eyes and look down at my notebook, trying to focus on the assignment that we were supposed to get started on, instead, my mind went to the visible tattoos that inked her arms.

My first words to her might have been "You asshole!" but as soon as she walked away from me with that unfazed and emotionless expression, some butterflies fluttered in my stomach, causing real butterflies to appear out of thin air. Am I crazy? Hell, maybe. Normally people would just apologize and move on about their day, especially because my mother is one of the headmasters here at Xenex. So, her ignoring me and walking away kind of drew me in closer.

Maybe she was doing this on purpose. I don't think she's that cleaver though.

A pair of pale fingers snap in my eyesight, taking me out of my leering trance. "You're alright? you're all red." Drisella comments as she smirks knowingly with the end of her pen hanging between her lips. Dammit.

I flash a fake smile and force my eyes onto my paper. "I'm perfectly fine, just cold." I lie as I start doing the assignment, who the hell assigns work on the first day of school. She laughs and goes back to doing her work, I look over at her paper and gasp. "How in the world are you already done? Class just started only," I look at my watch. "5 minutes ago." I continue as I look back at her paper.

She shrugs nonchalantly and keeps writing, speeding through a few lines.  Once she finishes, she pushes the paper over to my side of the table efore leaning back in her seat, spreading her legs a bit before spinning the pen between her fingers.

My eyes, once again, lingered on her body for wayy too long, after a full minute, or two, I look at the paper and starts copying most of it down, making to change it up as much as I can while still having the same answer.

When I finish, I slide her paper back before leaning back into my seat, getting on my phone as I cross my legs and put in my earbuds.


I close my locker and walk out of Building A, making my way to the girls dormitory building, on the journey up the stairs, Drisella appears, black smoke makes her entrance more dramatic. "Hey, witch." She smirks and starts walking besides me.

"What do you want, Reed?" I ask, slightly out of breath. I cheer in victory as I reach the final stair and start walking down the I floor hallway, I hear her following behind me, her eyes focusing on the drawings on the walls, or so I think.

She doesn't say anything, so I just ignore her and try to find the dorm with my number on it. Finally, after a few more steps, I find it, Dorm I26. I look at the two names on the door. D.R and M.W. Heat rises up to my neck and cheeks as I turn and look at her, the same smirk from before lays on her face.

"Fuck no." I state and grab my phone out of my back pocket, dialing my mother's number while unlocking the door as I throw my bag on the white couch that sits between the two bunk beds with desks under them.

When she answers, I let out a loud, dramatic groan, making sure she heard me, I do it again, stopping once she starts talking.

"Mel, what's wrong now?" She asks, her voice as stern as it always is.

"Mom! We need to have a talk about this dorm situation here." I try my best to make my voice sound as mature and serious as possible, but with her  standing so damn close, my mind turns foggy.

"Well, if it's urgent you can feel free coming to my office, if I could wait till the morning, you can come in the morning and we can talk." The way her voice sounds, I swear I can feel her shrugging on the other side of this phone.

I think about all the stairs I just walked up, plus the stairs that lead up to her office in Building A. I sigh and plop down on one of the chairs at the desks. "I guess it isn't that urgent, I'll stop by in the morning." 

"Okay, see you in the morning, love you Melly." My mom responds before hanging up. When I put my phone down and turn around, two brown eyes are staring straight at me. Her smirk grows into a smiles and I raise a brow.

She gets up and slowly walks over to me, taking her hand out of her sweatpants pocket, using it to lift my chin up as she slightly bends over me, making me look at her, eye to eye. The smile goes back to a smirk as she starts talking.

"Awe, does little Melly not want to share a room with me?" She coos.  She licks her bottom lip and I finally notice the dark red liquid that was dripping down her lips, down her chin and down to her chest. 

I blush deeply and open my mouth to say something, my mouth betrays me and instead of words coming out, a squeal comes out instead, causing her smirk to only grow. "Your eyes are pink. Awe do you want me, Melly?"  She laughs lowly.

I feel my cheeks grow warmer and in between my legs grows wetter. A frown plays on my lips as she stands up and takes a step back before disappearing, the same dark black smoke appears again but lingers a bit longer once she's gone.

I take a deep breath and fill my lungs back with air before sighing, pink smoke flows out my mouth as I do, making my eyes go wide. 

"Oh, I'm fucked." Maybe that's what I want, though.


I open the door to my mother's office and slam it behind me then walk over to the blue couch, flopping onto it as I let my bag fall to the floor. My mom looks at me with a raised brow before letting out a light laugh. "You look tired. You're the one who requested to have the final room on the final floor." She tries to remind me.

I roll my eyes and nod my head. "Yes, mom, I knoww." I whine. "But, I want, no, need a new roommate." I say, putting on my best, I'm your daughter, please don't do this to me, voice. She raises her brow, again.


"Because my roommate is a total bitch." I respond, half truthfully. A sexy bitch, but my mom doesn't need to know that and I don't need to be thinking that, like at all, because it isn't true.

"You're being dramatic, I got to meet Miss Reed yesterday and she was an absolute darling, and so was her girlfriend." My mom speaks as she clicks away on her keyboard.

I'm 100% sure that my eyes are out of their sockets, my jaw is on the floor and my heart is in my ass. "Darling? Girlfriend?" I respond, my voice is as high as it can possibly be. "I don't think we are talking about the same girl right now, Mom."

"Drisella Reed and Zuriel Stan? They are some wonderful, very gifted young ladies, and they are just adorable together." My mom keeps talking, placing a hand over her chest in an awe manner.

I pick up my jaw, push my eyes back in and shit out my heart as I shake my head. "I'm finished here, let me know when I can deliver the terrible, horrible, no good news to her." I grab my bag and get up, making my way to the door, only making it three feet before hearing her chant in Latin, and just like that, my feet stops moving, and as I try to pick it up and walk again, it just pulls me back.

The third time I try, the force pulls me to the ground, where two belts appear and bolt me to the ground as my mother walks over to me and shakes her head.

"You are to stay in the same dorm as Drisella, you are to be as kind as possible to her and treat her as if she was your best friend. Do you hear me?" Her stern voice finally becomes clear again, it surprisingly deflated when she was speaking of Drisella.

When she starts walking away, I swallow my pride and nod my head. "Yeah! Yeah! I understand and hear you, just unbolt me." I yell.

A satisfied smile appears on her lips and she whispers before the bolts disappear and I quickly form a spell, waving my fingers in front of mr as I teleport to my locker with a deep sigh.

I have a psycho for a mother.


𝓕𝓸𝓻𝓫𝓲𝓭𝓭𝓮𝓷 𝓛𝓸𝓿𝓮 (𝓧𝓮𝓷𝓮𝔁 𝓗𝓲𝓰𝓱 𝓑𝓸𝓸𝓴 1)Where stories live. Discover now