5.)This pain is nothing compare to what I been going through

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Kagome POV

I have been walking for miles and hours looking for that castle. Since I don't have the power for running or speed. I still can't shake off that feeling that Kagura is testing me or tricking me. But if it is something involving in Inuyasha's betrayal, I will kill anyone who gets in my way. Never knew this forest would be filled with strange and weak creatures lurking around.

"Haha look at our luck. A beautiful girl walking alone in the forest."

"Lets get her and enjoy some fun with her."

"Is she Kikyo, the priestess who died 50 years ago by the half demon Inuyasha."

"Wait if she is dead.." They point to me "Its a ghost of Kikyo!'

"Who cares! Kill her." I smirked as one by one surrounds me and runs up to me with their long swords.

"This would fun." I need some warm up. I used some of my arrows and then decided to go into physical skills. Naraku taught me some martial arts which surprised me that he had a hidden skill like that. Kicks and punches I delivered while they moan in pain.

"Done, that wasn't much as a warm up." I walked on top of creatures and continue my way towards the castle. I could smell it, the deep, dark fog that stills stand surrounding the manor. I walked into the entrance and the sight brought many memories to me. The bones of the dead wolfs. Talking about the dead, a light flashed and they came back to life.

"What the heck!" I shot them with my arrow but it had no effect. How could that be? The more confusing question is how did the dead come alive.

"Its her!"

"Is that the one girl who was with that half demon. Who killed us!"

"Unfortunately yes but you dont have to worry about that. That half demon will die from my hands." I proclaimed, bringing out my arrow. I closed my eyes. I need to master this move. I remembered a long time ago, that Inuyasha and I encountered the dead. I used my arrow for purifying them but it seems that wont work. They attacked me with their claws and some with swords.

"Do you remember me!" I yelled. "I'm Kagome! The girl Koga loved."

"Koga?" They seemed confused. They can't really tell me they don't remember their own leader.

Koga POV

I grabbed Inuyasha's collar and asked "Where the fuck is Kagome!"

"Ha you're late wolf boy. She..left/" His gaze dropped down to the ground as I punch him.

"You stupid mutt! I told you I will kill you if you don't protect Kagome.' I kicked him. He was pathetic, lying down like a puppy who has lost his precious treasure.

"Koga calm down!" Miroku said grabbing my arm. "You can't really tell me that you don't smell that aura." I stopped and sniffed the air. My eyes widen, these two sense. Its my dead wolves clan and..

"Kagome!" Inuyasha and I yelled. We both ran as fast as we can to the location. To see Kagome pinned down blocking the sword one of my wolf member has.

"Damn you stinky wolf." Kagome yelled as she kicks him off and shoots him.

"Kagome." Inuyasha mumbled but the way Kagome's eyes widen and look over it seems she heard perfectly. She kicked the others away from her and stand, staring at both of us. This was Kagome but her eyes lost light. More like she is hoping for death.

"Inuyasha...Koga....Shippo..Sango...Miroku.' She said as her bangs covered her eyes. I tried to run and hold her smooth hands to tell her everything is okay but the moment her arrow passed my face. I knew this Kagome was a complete stranger.

"I will kill all of you including those lousy wolves." A aura surrounded her.

"Kagome what do you mean kill. I'm koga, your soon to be husband." She laughed and looked up

"You're more annoying than that useless Kagura. I am only with Naraku." Her words heartbroken me. Why did this have to happen?

"Koga snap out of it!" Inuyasha yelled blocking Kagome's sword. I can't kill her or fight her. Her arrows turned into swords and her emotions are linked to it. Her movement is completely perfection. She wasn't going to lose her time playing with us. She meant business, she was thirsty of our blood.

"Koga!" I closed my eyes and mumbled 'Forgive me Kagome' I kicked her away from Inuyasha. "Koga, you know more clearly than I do. This Kagome is our enemy' Inuyasha struggled to say enemy. We both teamed up to defeat Kagome. But it was harder than we thought. She kept dodging all our attacks and rushing us to the corner.

"Wind..." Inuyasha hesitated. while Kagome laughed.

"What are waiting for? Don't tell me that you are hesitating because you think I am your Kagome."


"That Kagome is dead!" She used her edge of her arrow and cut her hair to prove a point.

"Shut up!" Inuyasha yelled while grabbing her by the shoulders. "Even if you claimed you changed and you ain't Kagome. You are still her in the outside and inside. You chose the wrong path."

Kagome POV

That Kagura knew perfectly that I will meet Inuyasha here. I held my arrow to put power inside it as he continues to talk.

"You are still here. The one I fell in love with. Why can't you get it? I won't never hurt you!"

"You really mean it." I said "Do you really love me?

"Yes Kagome." I grabbed his cheek and smiled as I lean in.

"Then I love you to."

"Kagome." He closed his eyes. I smirked.

"Inuyasha watch out!" Shippo yelled as it was too late.

"As if I would ever love you again." I stabbed Inuyasha with the tip of my sword arrow. All my arrows could turn into swords as I put power into it.

"Ahhh!" His scream gave me pleasure. The scream of pain. This pain is nothing more of what I felt for. I digged my arrow deeper as he screams louder. Koga kicked me away from Inuyasha as I feel towards the group of wolves. Damn I almost forgot about them. I landed under the group of wolves. They stared at me with a hungry look in there eyes. They raised their claws. I don't have any time to dodge. I closed my eyes as a normal reaction and awaited my pain. All I heard was the sound of blood.


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