Chapter 3 "Sunshine Trouble 1"

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Philippines POV: I started to look around the place and then sort my thing's out until i saw the box that is full of books and Uniform's i opened it and put the books in my bag then put all my clothes in the closet, I changed and went outside and i saw everyone on the campfire until i heard a beeping sound and it was Joe i ran hug him...

America POV: I was just coming by in ASEAN area where all the South East Asians go and until a short Filipino ran towards me and it was Philip i hug him back. Hello Joe it's been so long, Philip Said Hello mahal nice to see you too...
HEY LOVEBIRDS STOP HUGGING EACH OTHER, Mal Said, I paused for a sec and my face turned red like a rose. Malaysia behave ASEAN said. Sorry about that Mister America, and oh i see you met Philippines. Oh yea,sir philippines is one of my friends, oh ok , what brings you here America , im here to give you this to you, oh your Math homework i was expecting it to be late like everytime but it seems you improve a bit Mister America luckily i wont tell you're father 8th time this week ok then. ill be on my way to my office now, Bye sir ASEAN me and phil said gd bye to sir. Hey mahal, yes joe since tomorrow is your first day of class do you want me to pick up?, I can give you a tour also, haha sure joe ☺️☺️☺️, Philip said...

Philip POV;Ill see you tomorrow pick me up at 6:30am ok, Haha ok Mahal Ame replay. I went back to sit with the others and we talk all night after that i went back to my Cabin and sleep...

The Next Morning...
I woke up the next morning 5:30 am in the morning i took a bath, change my clothes to the uniform that they gave me, and i made breakfast, until it was 6:30am i pack my thing's until Ame pick me up, i saw him Chatting with CHINA!!!

America POV: I was picking up Philip, till China went up to me. Hey China nice to see you with sarcastic tone, America nice to see you too with grudge, we both glared of each other until someone approach as and broke our intention, and it was hey Guys Gd morning we both smile at him but at the same time we glared at each other again, Hey Joe can we go now, said phil, Oh! Yah! Sure 😃😃😃, hop on to my motorcycle and once philip was on the back seat i glared at China one last time, Bye China see you later Philip said, Bye Phil and America with a slight glare and a cheeky smile we left and went to the Academy. When we got there i noticed all of there eyes were on us i saw Philip being anctious, Hey Mahal are you ok, i ask he said , im fine Joe nothing to worry about i showed him around until he bump someone. HEY!!! WATCH WERE YOU GOING You........................

Narrator: A moment of silence between the hallway as a young tall Russian Boy looks down a Short Average height of Filipino stood down on his feet, Soften his Voice. Sunshine...

Mahal you ok??? America Said, Im fine Philip Said, Sunshine you ok??? A Deep Russian Voice spoke.
Russia is that you!?...

Russia POV: I help philip to stand up i see hes with USA i gave him glare so did he, there were moment's of Silence between us but i broke that silence by saying hello to philip. Hello Phil i said, he giggled and say hi to me, Haha hi Russia, im sorry i stumble on you earlier, haha i laughed it's ok sunshine, i see you are with America, yah Ame is just showing me around since im new around here with Mal and Indo. Haha i see, welp i have to go, ill see you around, i smiled at him and i saw America glaring at me so i glared at him back.

Philip POV; Im so happy to see Russia here too i said, while looking at Ame, I saw ame with a down expression i ask him, Joe you ok, i ask, Oh! Nothing mahal he replayed, we should go to our classes too, what is your 1st period mahal, he said. Um English i said. Oh i see we are going to the same class follow me. I followed him through the hall till we got there i heard a British Accent through the door way it was Sir U.K aka. America Father, Ahh! I see you are late again Son and Oh!? wait who is that. Im Philippines Sir U.K. Oh!! Ok can you like introduce yourself mister Philippines.

Hi im Philippines, Son of Katipunan, and Pearla, i have two older brothers Del Pilar and Martial Law, i have a pet Eagle, her name is Kidlat. I hope we could be friends...

Thank you Mister Philippines you can sit besides Australia and New Zealand pls raised your hand Australia and New Zealand pls go take a seat Mister Philippines. And you America go to the back, Sir U.K said. I look at America and smiled at him and he smiled at me back i took a small giggle and proceed to listen at Class.

Australia POV: I saw the new student who sit beside me, looking at my older brother. Till i noticed he look right at me i was so embarrassed but when i look again closely it's seem his smile was a beautiful radiant energy all over my body when i look at my brother it seems like he was looking at him lovely i look at him back until i saw New Zealand looking at the new kid too. I mean he is cute but New Zealand No way, We didn't even met him yet...

New Zealand POV: I was paying attention through my Father's Lesson until the new kid show up beside me. I was nervous to talk to him, till i realized he knows my Older Brother America. But when he smiled at him he looks like an Angel and when he turn to look at Father to listen i swoon I can't take my on him it's seems like i fell in love. Until i notice Australia was looking at me, i feel even more embarrassed...WaIt!? Wait wait What am i thinking New Zealand he's knew idk him well Yet. But you can't have this feeling well not now but later idk T//////T...

Speaker: All Students stay in your classroom i need to borrow your teacher's for a moment. Thank you.

Ok class ill be back pls stay in your seats or not, Father Said.

Once he was Gone i was Crying with Embarrassment i could imagine wth is Australia thinking about me. While i was over reacting someone pat at my shoulders and it was the new kid, Hello you alright!?, he asked. Oh!? Im fine nothing to worry about. Oh ok, im Philip by the way Philip is short for Philippines. Oh im New Zealand, i was so shy and happy that i can talk confidently with the new student. While we were Chatting, my older brother America pat his back and stroke his fluffy hair he giggled haha hello Joe, I was confused who was he talking about wait is he talking about my brother??? Omg im such a fool i didn't know he was dating him. Hello mahal my, i see you've met my little brother New Zealand, brother said. Oh!? I didn't know he is your brother Joe why didn't tell me i thought you were my friend with little grouchy face. Sorry mahal i didn't tell you yet sorry. Wait there just friend phew but wait why was he blushing at him while he smiling at him earlier wait does my older brother have feeling's for him i see i might have competition. I glared at him and he glare at me back. They were chatting and i was just jealous.

To be Countinue...

Dear Fellow Readers i migth up date next week or month because i might not be using my phone for awhile. ill try to update next week or soon idk i hope you know wth hut Philip is living in it migth be revealed the next 2 chapters soon. Bye...

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