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Performing concerts never got old.

And Juhee knew that one day, it would all come to a slow, to a stop, the signal that her career as an idol would be over.

She prayed that day took its sweet time, because the Hwang girl was not ready to give it up yet.

She wasn't ready to leave the boys and the company who had practically raised her, she couldn't leave the people she had met or the fans that cherished them, the fans who had said with pride that BTS had saved them.

It was like Hobi had once said, all of them had given their all for their career, the day they'd have to give it up would be difficult.

Yoongi gave her a look from where she had been staring into the cheering crowd, nudging her gently to speak.

Her parents were there too, and her aunt, proud of their daughter and niece for how far she had come.

"Army," She broke into a laugh as the one word earned herself a century worth of cheers, screams and shouts.

"Don't get me wrong," She began. "I love performing abroad, it's so cool to see all the places that we visit, but performing at home is always everything to me,"

Her fingers clutched the microphone a little more.

"You guys know that it had been a... challenging year for us," Juhee glanced at the boys, all of whom gave her encouraging nods to go on. "And there were so many points in the year where we'd have meetings and be crying and just not know what to do because everything had been getting to tight, and I think we can all agree that it was suffocating,"

Tears were now beginning to form in her dark eyes as her voice broke. "I'm really, so very grateful to everyone, the company, our families, the boys and of course Army, for always supporting us, for always cheering us on even when the path is so dark and we cannot see the end."

Juhee was crying now, as the boys chuckled, pulling her into their embrace, yet their own faces were mirrors of the difficulty that the past year had made them suffer through.

"Even when we get old, and maybe don't look quite the same, I will not forget our golden years, the best years of my life,"

"Thank you, Army,"

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