Alone in the man cave

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I wanted to do a little time jump because I couldn't think of anything to write
A few weeks later

Henry's POV
It was just Jasper and I alone in the man cave as Charlotte was with Schwoz getting more tools to fix the broken autosnacker and Ray is ordering take out for everyone. Jasper and I are currently on the couch cuddling close together. "It's nice to have some time alone, just the two of us." Jasper commented. I lifted his chin so he was facing me before responding "yea it is." I then softly kissed his lips then pulled away about to kiss his head but was suddenly pulled down by Jasper as he kissed me again but more passionately. The kiss turned into a small make out session and we were barely paying any attention to the elevator door opening.

Charlotte's POV
Me and Schwoz were on our way back from the hardware store and I was so tired of trying to make him hurry up and get the tools we needed, I was so ready to jump on the couch and have a quick nap before ray came back with the food. We walked inside Junk 'n' Stuff and walked to the back where the elevator was. I pressed the button to go down the elevator and Schwoz of course had to drop all the tools in the process. "Schwoz I told you to be more careful." "But it vasn't my vault, they vere heavy." I rolled my eyes and ignored him as the elevator stopped and dinged as we arrived at the man cave. The doors opened and I'm gonna tell you, I was shocked at what I saw but a little bit expected that to happen. There in front of my eyes were my two best friends, Henry and Jasper making out on the couch. I stared to walk up to them then hear Schwoz yell "ahhh my eyes." The two boys on the couch quickly stopped kissing and screamed at the sudden yelling and soon we all heard 3 beeps indicating someone was using the tubes then Ray walked out of his tube "hey guys what did I miss?"

Ray's POV
Everyone was just staring at me as I walked out of the tube "what?" Schwoz was about to say something then Charlotte stopped him by dragging him by the ear towards the lab "oh it's nothing, we'll be in the lab." Schwoz was yelling in pain "ow ow ow let go ov my ear" they eventually left the main area and then it was just me Henry and Jasper. Then Charlotte walked back out and took some of the food I was carrying then walked back to the lab without saying anything. I looked at the remaining boys on the couch, Jasper seemed to be sitting on Henry's lap while Henry had his arms around Jasper. I shrugged then left their food on the table and sat at the desk.

Jasper's POV
Me and Henry looked at each other and shrugged and were about to kiss again but heard Ray say while he was looking at the monitors "no making out in the man cave." So we pulled away and just ended up cuddling each other while we ate our food. Soon after we all ate Charlotte and Schwoz walked back in the room, Schwoz had tools and started fixing the autosnacker while Charlotte sat down next to us and looked us both in the eyes. "So, when were you guys gonna tell us?" I looked at Henry and then looked back at Charlotte, "well we were gonna tell you guys it's just.. I was worried that you all would react badly about us and the fact that we are dating." Charlotte looked at the boys "you know I'll never ever hate you guys. I completely support you both. Remember when you came out to me and Henry, Jasper?" I nodded "and was I mad then?" I shook my head no "then I wont be mad now." She turned to Henry "and Henry I've always known you weren't straight." Her and Henry started laughing. "Was I that obvious?" Henry asked. Ray responded this time "oh yeah you were, especially when Jasper started working here." Me and Henry bursted out laughing. "What's so funny?" Ray asked, Henry responded "that's because we were already dating Ray."

Still kinda short but longer then the other chapters. Let me know how you like the story and if you have any requests you want me to add.

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