I'm gonna blow your mind

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⚠️: This will contain swearing
"," speech
',' thoughts

Henry's POV
I was pacing up and down my room nervously waiting for Charlotte to bring Jasper upstairs. "Cmon Henry you're ok there's nothing to be nervous about it's just Jasper, you're best friend since preschool.. That you also happen to keep a huge secret from as well as having a huge crush-"
My words got cut off by the door knocking and a certain someone calling my name. "Henry? Is everything okay?" Jasper asked with a worried tone. I paused as I heard his voice. I started to panic a little.'Shit shit shit' "Henry?" Jasper asked with even more concern. I took a deep breath and opened the door.

Jasper's POV
I was currently heading upstairs to talk with Henry because according to Charlotte he has something important to tell me. As I walked up to his door I heard footsteps pacing back and forth so I started to worry. "Henry? Is everything okay?" I asked but heard no response. I got even more worried "Henry?" Suddenly the door opened, "uh hey Jasper." I looked at Henry as he let me in his room, he looked kinda nervous about something. I saw him take a deep breath before saying "I've been keeping something from you..and I think now is a good time to tell you."
I looked at him in confusion as I thought we tell each other everything well except for one thing that I've been keeping from him so I just nod and let him explain.

(Gonna be switching povs often sorry)

Henry's POV
I took another breath and took out my gum tube and popped a gum ball in my mouth. I saw Jasper looking at me confused "what are you doing?" He asked me "I'm gonna blow a bubble." I casually replied, "a bubble?" I looked at him for a moment and smirked "I'm gonna blow your mind" I smiled to myself as I quote Ray then I start blowing the bubble and eventually turn into Kid Danger. As soon as I transformed I hear a thud next to me so I look down to see that Jasper has passed out.
I waited until he was fully conscious before explaining everything to him. "OH MY GOD! YOU'RE KID DANGER!" He yelled still surprised. "Yea-" I got cut off again by Jasper slapping me "Why didn't you tell me?" I held my cheek in pain "ow! I was gonna tell-" I was cut off again by him hugging me "I'm so proud of you, I'm glad you never got badly hurt " he let go "but I'm still kinda mad at you for not telling me." Soon my watch started beeping signalling that I had to go help Ray.

(After the mission)

Still Henry's POV
I climbed through my window after transforming back to my normal clothes only to see Jasper asleep on my bed. I chuckled a little at how cute he looked and tapped his shoulder waking him up. "Jasper!" He screamed as he woke up and almost fell off the bed if I hadn't caught him.
Jasper's POV
I woke up screaming after hearing someone yell my name and fell off the bed only to be caught by a strong pair of arms. I look up to see Henry looking down at me. "Jasp? Are you alright? What are you still doing in my room?" I sat back down on the bed Henry sitting next to me. "I'm fine it's just my mum. Well she's drunk again so I figured I could come back here for a bit but I guess I fell asleep." I tried to make it look like I wasn't lying.

To be continued....

Sorry if it was short also please comment and tell me how I did thanks. 💖

The story of Henry and Jasper Dunlop-Hart (UNFINISHED)Where stories live. Discover now