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Jimin was taking a walk around his neighborhood heading to the park with earphones plugged in listening to music in full blast. He was singing along and doing tiny dances to the song.

He finally got to the park and unlike other days the park was not packed there was only a couple standing at a far corner Hugging each other while talking and stealing kisses from each other.

He looked at the two smiling at their cuteness as he was standing at the gate hesitant to go in.

'Wait a damn minute is that my boyfriend?'
Jimin thought as one of the two turned to look at him then back at his boyfriend.

Jimin took out his phone and opened camera then zoomed out taking a photo and he couldn't believe what he was seeing.

"H-he is cheating on me?" Jimin asked himself stepping back then ran back to his house.


Later that day he was meeting with his boyfriend for a date. So he bathed and wore nice clothes and went to his boyfriend's house. He wanted to go and confront him.

He got into a taxi and in about 30 minutes he had arrived at his boyfriend's mansion. He payed the driver and got off heading to Jungkook's house. The security guards let him in as they already knew him.

He walked in that big yard for about 5 minutes till he reached the house. He punched the password and entered. He found Jungkook's maids busy preparing their romantic dinner table and placing their roses, glasses, plates  e.t.c.

"Good afternoon Mrs Lee is Jungkook not home yet?" Jimin asked Mrs Lee who is the senior maid and they are close and used to each other unlike the rest of the maids.

"Hello Jimin my dear Jungkook is not home yet, he wanted to prepare all these by himself but he called me telling me he's coming late he's caught up at work but he said he'll be here soon, so just feel at home while waiting for him or you can come tell me one of your stories while you wait" Mrs Lee said happy  to see Jimin.

The two just get along very well and always talk about random things.

"I wish I could Mrs Lee but I'm not in a good mood today, so I'll just go wait for him in his bedroom" Jimin said faking a smile so Mrs Lee won't ask too many questions.

"Okay Jiminah you do look tired go and wait for him upstairs my dear" Mrs Lee said and Jimin bowed before heading upstairs to Jungkook's room.

'He's caught up at work haha with what? That pale cute short boy I saw with him? fine it's fine, he can cheat on me it's fine!' Jimin thought not saying much but his expressions said a lot.

"What's wrong babe?" Jungkook said coming into the room snapping Jimin out if his thoughts.

"What's wrong babe? (He mimicked Jungkook) Like you care! Jungkook are you not happy with me anymore?" Jimin asked standing up from the bed.

"What are you talking about babe? Jimin I had a long day I don't need this attitude right now" Jungkook said taking off him suit jacket hanging it up.

"Had a long day having fun with some pale short boy is that it huh? You are cheating on me! I saw you today and don't you dare try to deny it I have proof" Jimin yelled at Jungkook taking out his phone showing Jungkook that picture.

Jungkook looked at the picture not believing what he was seeing the person was definitely him even wearing almost the same outfit but the person wasn't him.

"I told you before that if you get tired of me leave me, break up with me, don't cheat I hate cheaters with all my heart" Jimin said now sobbing.

"Jiminah I know you won't believe me but this person isn't me look at his shoes they are sneakers while I'm wearing formal shoes" Jungkook tried to explain he was shocked himself but he had to deal with the situation in front of him first.

"Shoes? Really? You're a multimillionaire you can buy and dispose of shoes like they are nothing. You probably thought I'll be fooled by that when the person in the picture is you!? Come on give me a better excuse" Jimin yelled at Jungkook with tears streaming down his face.

"But babe this person isn't me I swear to God I don't even know this place" Jungkook said not recognizing the place in the picture either.

"You know what's worse you cheated on me in my neighborhood, you wanted me to see you cheat, you did it all on purpose but it's fine because starting from now on we are done we are over and I don't ever want to see you again."

"I'm gonna walk out that door and don't follow me" Jimin said and snatched his phone from Jungkook then stopped at the door to say something to Jungkook.

"I hate you Jungkook I really do" he said and left in a hurry.Mrs Lee was in the hall way shocked by how much Jimin was crying and what she overheard upstairs.

Jungkook was left there still wondering what was going on.

"Could it be photo shopped? No he captured the pictures Himself? What is going on that person is not me" Jungkook said to himself not knowing nor understanding what was happening.

He decided to call his secretary Hoseok.

"Hoseok wasn't I in the office all day till I knocked off?" Jungkook asked just to be sure he isn't going crazy.

"You was in the office all day sir why are you asking?" Hoseok asked confused by his bosses question.

"It's nothing"
Hii a new book for my lovies. I couldn't help but start it hope you'll like it.
What do you think is going on? Who did Jimin see if it's not Jungkook?

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