What Is Going On?

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"Mom, dad I'm going to take that offer and go work in another province" Jimin suddenly said as he was sitting with his parents and little brother watching a Kdrama.

"What about Jungkook? Did he agree the place you're going to is far." His mom asked shocked by the sudden decision his son decided on.

"We broke up and I'm leaving tomorrow morning I already told my new boss I'll take the offer" Jimin said bluntly his family looking at him shocked they all know how much Jimin loves Jungkook and vice versa.

Even when they were against their relationship at first Jimin made them understand and accept Jungkook.

"Broke up why I thought we'll be dancing at your wedding soon?" His dad asked not believing this.It is not like Jungkook proposed or anything the way they live each other you'd see them getting married too.

"He cheated on me and I'm done with him. After I leave if he comes here don't tell him where I went I'm gonna change my numbers too so he won't reach me." Jimin said again looking very fine not hurt at all.

"So big Bro you're leaving just like that I'm gonna miss you" Jihyun said pouting he loves his brother and enjoys spending time with him every day.

"I'm gonna visit every chance I get, I'm gonna miss you too little Bro" Jimin said playing with his brothers' cheek.

"I'm old now stop doing that" Jihyun complained.

"You'll always be my little baby Jiji so stop trying to stop me" Jimin said taking his tongue out teasing his little brother.

"Jimin are you sure about this?" His father asked concerned that Jimin is hurt making rushed decisions he might regret later.

"I'm sure and serious as a heart attack" Jimin said with a fake smile on his face that his family didn't fail to notice but let him be.

"Okay we support you in whatever you decide, travel safe and check on us daily we'll call you too" His father said and his mother nodded in approval as well.

"This is why I love my family so much you guys are the bes- (His phone rang, it was Jungkook) Why is he calling me now?"

He thought out loud rolling his eyes and rejected Jungkook's call then switched off his phone. His family looked at him not uttering any word.

"OK I'm going to sleep now as I'll be waking up very early tomorrow good night everyone" Jimin said standing up heading to his room.

He got there and finally let the tears fall like an ever flowing river. He really was hurt he loves Jungkook with his whole heart they have been dating for 2 years now and being cheated on by Jungkook is something he never saw coming nor thought of hence he decided to go away from him.


"I'm going crazy Bro what the hell is going on? I'm not about to lose my fiancé to be (He was planning to propose soon) over something I never did, I'm not the person Jimin saw at that park it isn't me" Jungkook complained to his friend in one go.

He was pacing up and down not knowing what to do. All this was driving him crazy. The fear of losing Jimin scared him the most.

"So you're saying the person looks exactly like you?" Seokjin  asked not knowing what to make of this situation.

"Bruh that person in that photo is my f*cken identical twin" Jungkook said not believing it himself.

"Then go ask your mom about it, maybe she knows something you don't know" Seokjin said shrugging his shoulder.

"My mom, do you think if there's a chance that person is my twin she'll tell me? Ugh this is messed up" Jungkook said sitting down burying his hands on his hands, sighing loudly.

"But trying to talk to her won't kill. If she's lying you'll be able to tell you're good at those. Confront her" Seokjin tried convincing Jungkook.

"I should go see Jimin first I don't know but I need to make him believe that the  person he saw is not me" Jungkook said standing up taking his car keys.

"Drive safe and good luck" Seokjin said not wanting to advice much as things might backfire and he'll be the one to blame but deep down he knew going to Jimin without proof that the person in the photo is not Jungkook was useless.


Jungkook got to Jimin's house and knocked. He didn't go to work today he was going crazy, couldn't even think straight. Last night he hardly slept not understanding what's going on, trying to add 1 +1 but it didn't make 2. He looked exhausted.

"Jungkook?" Jimin's father asked shocked to see Jungkook first thing in the morning.

"Good morning father is Jimin home I need to talk to him?" Jungkook asked but Jimin's father glared at him.

"Don't call me father especially after cheating on my son I trusted you Jungkook how could you break my sons' heart?" Jimin's father asked angry at Jungkook.

"Father none of that happened, I didn't cheat on him, I swear, please can I see him?" Jungkook begged getting frustrated by this whole situation.

"My son left early this morning, he went far I can't tell you where so just leave quietly" Jimin's father said but Jungkook didn't believe him. He thought he's saying this cause he's angry.

He screamed Jimin's name hoping to see Jimin come out to see him but there was no sign of Jimin at all.

"Stop shouting Jungkook, Jimin is not really home. Come look (They went to Jimin's room) his closet is almost empty, his suitcases are not there he's gone" Jimin's father explained to Jungkook.

Jungkook felt like his world was ending like they just stabbed him hard on his heart. How can Jimin leave him just like that? How? Tears threatened to come out but he looked up, blinking a few times to stop them.

Jimin's father looked at him pitying him. He didn't know the whole story but he knew how much Jungkook loved his son and he could see that Jungkook is hurting real bad right now.

"Everything is gonna be alright Jungkook, just prove to Jimin that you didn't cheat on him, if what you're saying is really  true" Jimin's father said Hugging Jungkook.

"Father please tell me where he went" Jungkook pleaded hoping Jimin's father will tell him.

Jimin's father let go of him and looked at him full of pity.

"I'm sorry but I can't tell you Jimin asked us not to" Jimin's father said patting Jungkook's back and leading him outside, knowing very well that if he keeps on asking he'll end up telling him where Jimin went.

Jimin arrived late at night to his new apartment at jeju special self-governing province. He put his luggages down and ran to the balcony to see the night sky and the view outside.

"Wooow this is nice. The sky is so beautiful with all those stars"

He smiled forgetting about his problems a little focusing on the night sky and the refreshing breeze outside.

"Hello over there, finally I'll have a new neighbor" the pale boy Jimin saw with Jungkook at the park greeted Jimin and Jimin just froze looking at him. No word came out of his mouth.

The pale beautiful guy waved at Jimin and he snapped out of his thoughts. He faked a smile and greeted back.
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