Episode 19 Fainted

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Hey guys I am back with new episode

Time skip after 1 month

In this one month nothing special has happened , krystal didn't created any trouble or we can say that she didn't got the time to create any trouble

As everyone knows that Karan sir is not in Korea so krystal (Lovishka) have to handle everything, the work load is so much and we also let they there is Traitor whom she is trying to find , but still didn't got to know who he or she really is

She is skipping the college daily

Her friends warned her not to do this but she is still doing she requested them not to tell this to her brother

It's not her fault she is working King her head off every day

But her friends think that she Roam around the city just for fun

Today she got result of monthly test

And guess what she is failed with 23%

Cause in this whole month she didn't attended regular classes and also she didn't got time to study at home because most of the time she is in office

Taehyung don't know about this because from last one month he is also busy , he comes late at home around 11 or 12

Whenever he ask her house how her studies going she just lies that it's going good

In University

Krystal is sitting in cafeteria surrounded by 4 glares

She is looking down to avoid their glare but no use

She is not scared of her friend always but it's just when they are angry and this time they are not angry on her they are really worried what will happen when her brother come to know her result

After great silence finally Avni spoke

Avni :- what you are going to tell your brother about your result

She asked in cold tone

Krystal:- i don't know

She mumbled

All of themselves little bad for her because they know that she is really regretting it

She is not regretting she is feeling scared

That she will again get punished for something which she didn't did but still can't tell

Khushi:- hey we will also go there and will talk to Taehyung oppa to not to punish you

She said softly to make krystal feel better

Vanshika:- but do you think that Taehyung oppa will listen to us because this time it's totally her fault

Krystal:- it's not  my fault *in mind*

Khushi:- hey krystal what happened

She asked worriedly when she saw krystal holding her head

Krystal:- m-y hea-d is hu- --

Before she can complete her sentence she blacked out

"KRYSTAL" they all shouted at same time

Krystal pov
I was sitting in cafeteria with my friends and they all were, lectureing because I failed in my exam, it's not my fault that i didn't got to  study
The All were continuously asking me questions that what I will tell to my brother, to be honest i am also scared , because oppa is so strict when it comes to study oh no ,
But my head suddenly started paining and I was feeling dizzy
I was going to say something but then everything blacked out
When i opened my eyes i saw i was in hospital room then I heard a voice "you woke up"
I looked around and saw jin oppa standing there
Pov end

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