Episode 20 IV needle

385 29 6

Jin left the room to let krystal rest

Krystal pov
I am so dead now, Jin oppa will not leave me and i can't even think of Taehyung oppa's anger
Oh god why this have to happen with me
Pov end

She was praying to God by closing her eyes and joining her hands

Taehyung entered in room and saw this cute scene he chuckled

But the made a cold face

Taehyung:- praying to God will not help princess

Krystal flinched suddenly and looked at Taehyung

Krystal:- op-pa i-i

Taehyung came and hugged her

Taehyung:- you scared us baby

Krystal:- i am sorry

She said while snuggling into his neck

Taehyung:- save it for later

Krystal gulped

He broke the hug and sat on bed beside her

She looked at him with cute bambi teary eyes

He chuckled and understood what she want

He pulled and made her sit on his lap

She being the clingy panda accepted the hug

They stayed like this for sometime then jin came in room

Jin saw them hugging and said

Jin :- hugging without me hmm

Krystal:- you also come oppa

She said cutely

Jin :- ya ya but first you need something

Krystal:- what

She asked while tilting her head cutely

Jin :- this

She said while showing her the iv needle

Krystal:- don't tell me oppa that you're going to pierce my skin with these fucking needles


Krystal:- ouch oppa

Taehyung:- dont curse kid

Krystal:- whatever

She said while rolling her eyes

Taehyung raised his eyebrow and said

Taehyung:- Jin hyung is there any stick

Krystal's eyes widen

Jin looked at Taehyung to confirn is it prank

Taehyung winked at jin which went unnoticed by Krystal

Jin :- yeah it's in my office let me bring it

Krystal:- no no please oppa i am sorry

She said her hurriedly while holding her ears

Taehyung:- no princess you need that you're going out of hands

Krystal:- i was never in your hands 

She mumbled but Taehyung heard it

Taehyung:- oh really

He asked while twisting her ear

Krystal:- awwie ouch oppa it's hurting please leave it na

Taehyung:- will you roll your eyes on your elders again

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