the ice queen

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So lemme explain the time line this is when the king of the pirates was alive. So when shanks and buggy were like 14 years old  your name is sage if you want your name to be something else you can do it (⁠ ⁠╹⁠▽⁠╹⁠ ⁠)( I think my Grammer is wrong 😃)

Seriously... WHY AM I ON THIS CREW!!" "cause Roger suggested you be on this crew" buggy said "WELL THEN TELL ROGER IM LEAVING!" "no you're not leaving" shanks said "WHY ARE YOU GOING EASY ON HER!!" buggy yelled at the red head. "Cause if Roger wanted her specificly she must be special" "..." Buggy was stunned "and I don't wanna be on this boat" the girls voice deepened. The boys stared at her wide eyed like they saw a ghost "WHAT!" The girl yelled at the two boys "NOTHING!" the two boys said at the same time obviously scared by her "now... CAN YOU TWO UNTIE ME?!" "yes ma'am! " They said at the same time again scared to the core by her. They both untied her it took a long time tho the roped were thick and well tied, buggy on the other hand had to have... Some help, shanks done well and the girl had a lot of patience "well we're done untying you!" Shanks smiled buggy frowned. The girl stood up and cracked her back from being in the same position for three hours "ahhh!" "What?" The girl spoke "you're taller than shanks and me!" Buggy spoke obviously more scared than ever. "Seriously that's what you're yelling about" the girl spoke in a annoyed tone. "OBVIOUSLY YEAH!" buggy yelled at the girl the, girl was now triggered by buggy "okay nevermind"
"good..." The girl was a little bit more calm now. She's beautiful shanks thought to himself "how old are you?" Shanks said "thirteen or fourteen" the girl spoke answereing shanks question" HOW CAN YOU NOT KEEP TRACK OF YOUR AGE!!" buggy yelled at the girl, The girl was now glaring daggers at buggy "okay I'll shut up now.." buggy said going to a corner " good and stay there till I give you permission to get out of that corner" the girl spoke in a harsh voice that only made shanks fall in love more with the girl. "Btw I'm sage" the girl spoke "hello I'm shanks! Nice to meet you!" Shanks couldn't help but smile
" I have a feeling we'll get along just fine" sage said with a smile 'I saw her smile!! Best day in my life!!!!' Shanks thought to himself. "You can get out of the corner now" sage said "yes ma'am!" Buggy said getting out of the corner 'i forgot he was there... Doesn't matter! ' shanks thought to himself 'this bitch doesn't think I can read him imma play him for awhile until I get bored' sage thought to herself. The crew had fun with sage. Sage on the other hand liked to be in her room and read, sage always had a straight face on. The look she always had on was boredom and the only time the crew see her smile was when she was with shanks and buggy the crew ADORED her smile it was so bright and she looked so happy Roger always felt hated by her it made him whine releigh tried to comfort him but Roger was just being a baby by that maybe sage hated him.sage only hated ONE part about Roger he was too... Childish.

At the execution

Sage's POV

"Huh? My treasure? " Roger spoke on his execution platform he then started the great pirate age. While he was about to die smiling, I found it heart-breaking but I kept reminding myself to not weep like a child, I was  trying to weep like a child. I felt a cold tear fall down my face I quickly wiped it away hoping nobody would see it, nobody saw it 'phew I thought I was about to make a fool out of myself' I thought, I noticed that everyone was cheering when he died, 'look how cruel this world is people NEVER look behind the title "pirate" they just view them as scum. They never think that a pirate should deserve a chance, people let people DIE because they found being a pirate is fun people should never have to hide because of that title, there are more people in this world who are that way I hope  okay let's stop being like that... ' the Marines killed Roger...
'he done nothing wrong... '


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