19~ Tell me...

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"Do you have to be all lovey-dovey while we're all in the same car? Do you?" Taehyung asks, confusing Jimin and me. "I mean, do you have to cuddle and kiss and hold each other? You're making all of us sick." "I'd like to formally disagree with that. I think it's adorable!" Hobi exclaimed. "Yeah, well, that's because everything and everyone you see is adorable. You almost got your arm bit off by an alligator and you still said it was cute. Your opinion doesn't matter." Yoongi spat, lowering Hoseok's ego.

I looked at Jimin and he just shrugged, "They do this a lot, no matter who has a girlfriend." "Oh, so I'm not your first?" I question jokingly. "...No, is the short answer." I continue with my banter, raising my eyebrows. "How many were there before me, hmm? I bet with your sexy ass there was more than one?" I question, making all the guys (except for Hobi) gag. "Thanks but no. She wasn't the best. We broke up after a year because of how much of a liar and cheater she was. I didn't date for a long time." I looked up at him and he was already staring at me, a smile on his face. "But that was before I met you and your snarky ass, 3 years before I met you. And I know you won't hurt me on purpose as she did. So I'll give dating another chance." I smiled at his ending, giving him a quick peck on the lips.

When I tried to pull away, he brought my lips back to his, giving me a longer, deeper kiss. "Ewwwwww! Get a room, you two!" The younger ones exclaimed. We both pulled back and smiled at each other, laughing at Taehyung and Jungkook's disgusted faces.

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"We're here hoes. Get the hell out my car." Jin exclaimed, waking us in the back up. "Wake uuuuup, wake your fine asses uuuuup! C'mon, I just complimented you guys when you obviously can't beat me and my perfection." Jin said, flipping his nonexistent long hair. I gripped Jimin's hand as we clambered out of the car, almost tripping over my shoelace. "Babe, tie your freaking shoes. We've been over this." "I know, I know. I forgot." "You guys are literally making me sick. Noona, learn how to tie your damn shoes so Jimin-ssi won't have to." Jungkook said. I let him slide with the swear because well, he used honorifics. "Alright fucknuts, we're splitting up and we're all going to places Mrs. Park over here said her father has been at last, courtesy of the tracking app they share." I blushed when Jin said Mrs. Park, we haven't even dated for a year! But eh, it's whatever. It's not like I don't like that idea.

"You opposites, go check the mall. You, gamer boys, go check the supermarket. I and Namjoon will check the plaza and you horndogs will check '서울 베스트' to make sure he isn't there." When Jin had said to check the bar I had worked at previously (Seoul's Best), I suddenly felt a wave of unease wash over me. The thought of returning there after I was brutally fired in front of everyone ticked me off, but there was this weird unnerving feeling of returning there to look for my father. Why would he be there in the first place?

"Hey, you alright? Everyone already left and you look dazed." Jimin said, rubbing his thumb over my hand. "Yeah, just..scared, is all. I was fired from the club for standing up for myself. In front of everyone. It was embarrassing as hell so I don't understand why my father would have ever gone here. It just doesn't add up, you know?" "Baby, it's alright. We will be in and out, okay?" I nod. He pulls me in for a kiss, his lips lingering on mine longer than necessary. "I CAN SEE YOU FROM ACROSS THE STREET; GO FIND YOUR FATHER, ASSHAT!" Jin yells, startling me and Jimin. We began to speed walk to the club, embarrassed that Jin caused us many stares.

Walking into the club, I never felt more uncomfortable. I looked around the dimly lit establishment, getting chills all over. I looked over at Jimin, he was mesmerized by the lights and the decor of the club. "Jimin, don't you think it's weird?" "What?" He turns to me, caressing my hand with his thumb. "Everything seems...different. I feel like there's eyes watching everywhere and everyone's staring at us." Jimin looked around to find no one staring. "Babe, it's just nerves. And it's okay to be nervous." He kissed the back of my hand gently, giving me a sense of familiarity. I felt slightly more relaxed than I was before, drifting into a state of calm as I looked around for anyone or anything suspicious.

And then, I saw him. We made eye contact for an uncomfortable amount of time until he decided to walk over to me. "Y/n! How long has it been?" He greets me, wrapping his arm around me. Jimin's eyes darted to the hand wrapped around me, turning to look at the man who dared to touch me. Jimin chuckled, pulling me away from the tall man and wrapping his arm around me protectively, placing a kiss on my cheek. "Y/n, whose this friend of yours?" I laughed awkwardly, fiddling with the hem of my shorts. "T-This is...my old boss. Si-hyuk." Jimin gave a fake smile, holding out his hand. Sihyuk grabbed Jimin's hand, and I could see he squeezed it a little too much for a friendly handshake.

"So Y/n, who is he? Your boyfriend?" "Fiancé, actually. We're getting married in a week." Jimin said, making my eyes widen immediately. "Oh well, congratulations! Where's your ring?" Sihyuk asked, making my hands get clammy. I obviously didn't have one nor did I have a good excuse. "Left it at home. I didn't want her to lose it, she can be very clumsy sometimes. Isn't that right, sweetheart?" I nodded, a fake smile forming on my face. "Are you guys even really a thing? You seem uncomfortable, baby. You wanna come in with me?" Sihyuk asked, making Jimin go an angry red.

"Oh, believe me, we're real. How else would she get her brains fucked out? A dildo?" Jimin questioned, making Sihyuks face go red. "I wanted to show her something, you can come too if you'd like," Sihyuk questioned. I suddenly got a very, very bad feeling in my stomach. My guts said not to follow him but hey, what if he had my father? I nodded at Jimin and we began to walk behind the large man, the squeaking of our sneakers being able to be heard down the weirdly plain area. "What did you want to show us?" Suddenly, it all went black.

"I don't know, guess you'll find out"

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