21~ To hell with me

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Your pov~

I woke up to the smell of blood and a horrible headache. I opened my eyes slowly and my head seared at the bright lights around me.

What the hell happened?

It's then I hear a familiar voice calling to me, pleading for me to wake up.

But I am awake? What's going on?

It's then I realize the voice belongs to my boyfriend, Jimin. Park Jimin. Heh, his name made me think of a funny thing. Haha, 'You don't Park Jimin, you ride Jimin'. Haha, I'm so funny!

"JISUN!" I heard sudden screaming of my name, and I was snapped out of my stupor. Where was I? Why was Jimin tied up? Away from me. Why was I tied up? What happened?? I looked over to my right to see Jimin thrashing around in his spot, finally stopping when his eyes met mine.

His eyes quickly welled with tears and he smiled, he looked euphoric. "Babe! You're-You're alive! I was scared shitless when you didn't wake a-and I couldn't stop yelling for you and I-" "What happened?? Why are we chained to a wall?? Jimin, tell me what happened!?" I screamed. Everything was becoming clearer to me and less funny. We were in danger. And I didn't have him beside me.

"Ji, please! Don't yell or they'll hear us!" Jimin whisper-yelled at me and my eyes widened with fear. "Who, Jimin? Who!?" I whispered back, afraid of the unknown people Jimin was referring to. "The man who we saw last before we were in here, the bar owner. He had men following behind us, one hit you with a cane or something and knocked you out cold. I was terrified you died since there was blood spilling from your head rapidly. And I fought the man who hit you." Jimin looked at me with a sad face, as if regretting something.

"But I should've thought of something more effective, something that wouldn't take my attention off of everyone else. While I was busy beating the dude up, the man who lead us there tased me from behind, shocking me ,since it happened without my knowledge, and I blacked out from the shock.

"If I hadn't jumped towards that guy and instead made a plan inside my head this wouldn't have happened. And I'm so, so sorry, baby," My eyes welled up with tears at what he said. Risking his life for me!? I know i'm his girlfriend or whatever but, he should've saved himself. "Jimin, you could've saved yourself. Why didn't you?" "Because I love you, Jisun. And I can't let my love die." I smiled sadly at him, this wasn't his fault but I didn't wanna make a scene.

"Ah! You're awake!" A deep, gruff voice says, making me head whip around to see my former boss. He had two other men at his side who looked to be only a few years younger than him. It's then I realized that there was a third person behind my ex boss, and he had a carriage full of different torture tools. We were screwed and we both knew it.

"One of you is going to get the pain if the other doesn't answer, alright? I hate to be this person but, Mr. Kim didn't keep his promise. And now his daughter and her boyfriend have to deal with his mistakes." My eyes widened at that. Mr. Kim? Dad? And does he mean he's to...use those tools on us?? And what did my dad do!? He's the sweetest soul in the universe, how could he have done anything wrong!?!?

"E.W, grab the needle." "Which one, boss?" "Hmmm, the sharpest one. You have work to do."

Oh shit

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