Part UNO

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Hey peoples! Here's another LEMON for all you who ship these 2! I hope you like it, please comment for other yaoi ships that you want me to do a lemon on and vote for my story please! 

------Ookami :3 :3 XD


[Third person]

It was around 10:00 at night and Germany was just about to head to bed after a long day of training. He was just about to enter his room until heard a familiar Italian call out for him. He sighed deeply and turned his head to the right to find Italy, sprinting down the hallway towards him. Italy was only wearing a pair of boxers and a wrinkled white dress shirt and holding a pillow right in front of his chest. Italy stopped right on front of Germany and was panting for air.

"Vhat do you vant Italy?" Germany asked opening the door to his room.

"Ve~, is it okay-a if I-a sleep with you-a, Germany?" Italy questioned.

"Vhat?! Vhy can't you sleep by yourself?" Germany turned around looking at the Italian.

Italy flinched from the loudness in his voice but still answered, "Ve, I don't like-a sleeping on my-a own. It's-a dark and-a scary!" Italy cried out walking into Germany's room.

Italy made a little whimpering noise and did a little frown. Germany looked at Italy and sighed again.

"Fine, get in the bed." Germany said.

Italy smiled and walked over to Germany's. He laid his pillow next to Germany's and crawled onto the bed. Germany watched Italy, mainly looking at his butt which had turned him on a bit. Germany shook his head, a little blush forming on his face. He walked over to the bed as well and crawled onto it. He pulled the covers over him and closed his eyes. Italy turned over and looked at Germany's back and snuggled into it.

             While Germany was sleeping he was dreaming about him and Italy, uh, doing it... Germany's eyes furrowed and he tossed and turned while he slept. Finally after about 5 minutes of that he woke up. Germany sat up and rubbed his eyes. He felt his member grow in size from his shorts and he knew he had to take care of it. So, Germany lifted the blankets off of his body and tried to get up without waking Italy up. BUT, he couldn't get up, since Italy's arms were around his waist. Germany grabbed both of his arms gently and tried to pry them off. This sudden action caused Italy to stir and wake up. He looked at Germany's back, then he peaked his head out from behind it and could almost see Germany's bulge in his shorts. 

Italy blushed lightly and started to squirm in Germany's grip. Germany had no idea that he had woken Italy up and he let go of his arms. Italy pulled his arms toward his body and sat up. Germany looked behind him and saw Italy blushing and looking down towards the bed. Germany tried to figure out what was happening, but shook it off.

"I'm going to use the bathroom." Germany said.

Italy stayed quiet  for a moment and lifted his head a bit to see Germany about to leave the room. Italy blushed madly at what he was about to say to Germany.

"I'll do it." Italy said.

Germany, who was at the door right now turned his head to the side and gave Italy a questioning look.

"Vhat are you talking about, Italy?" Germany asked.

"Ve, I-I'll h-help you." Italy squeezed his eyes shut and blushed even darker.

Germany turned around fully and looked at Italy with wide eyes. Germany started to blush darker as Italy started to get out of bed and walk towards him. Italy made it to Germany and gulped before he bent down on his knees, so he was eye level with Germany's waist. Germany was stunned and he was stuck in a shocked state. Italy moved a shaky hand towards Germany' s shorts and pulled them down and then he.................


ANNNNNNND IMMA JUST PUT A CLIFFHANGER CAUSE I'M EVIL LIKE DAT! *ahem* Sorry, I lost it there. But anyways, I hope you enjoyed the first part! I'll get the second part out as soon as possible. Please comment on my story for other yaoi ships to do. BYYYYEEEE!

------Ookami :3 :3 :D

Germany X Italy (GerIta) [LEMON] {BoyXBoy}Where stories live. Discover now