Princess.(Matt Espinosa sweet.)

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It's you and Matthews 2nd Anniversary, you both have known each other for 5 years but 2 years ago he asked you out, right now he is taking you to dinner.

"Matt I can't believe it's been 2 years." You say.

"I can't believe it either." He replies

Right now you are in the car driving to whatever place he is taking me.

He puts a blind fold on your eyes and leads you some where.

"You can take the blind fold off now, Princess." He says

You remove the blind fold to see that y'all are on a beach and he has set up a little romantic picnic.

"Awe! Matthew its beautiful! Thank you!" You say

"Anything for my precious princess." He says and kisses your forehead

"Let's eat!" You say, you both walk over and sit die in the picnic blanket.

After you both are done eating you both decide to walk along to water, holding hands.

You look at the amazing tide then look back at Matt to see him on one knee.

You begin to tear up.

"Y/n, I've know you for 5 years now, and we have been together for 2 years. I know this is going a little fast but, you are the best thing that has ever happened to me, I love you so so so much, and I will never stop loving you. So will you do this honor, of being Mrs. Espinosa?"

You shed tears of joy. "Yes Matt! A million times yes!" You say.

He gets off of his knees and kisses you.

5 months later.

You and Matt now, are expecting a baby, you are 4 months pregnant. Today is the big day, your wedding.

As you walk down the isle, you see Matt, his smile grows wider, tears prickle in his eyes.

You finally reach the end of the isle, you kiss your fathers cheek and then walk in front of Matthew.

After a million words from the priest, you finally say your vows.

"Y/n you are The most beautiful girl in the world, I can't see my life without you, I will promise to love you everyday. And never stop loving you, or the baby that his on its way." He smiles

You begin to tear up but he wipes it away with his thumb. "Don't cry, my princess."

You smile. "Matthew Lee Espinosa, you are the most handsome, sweet, caring, man on earth, you truly are my love, words can not describe how much my love is for you, we will now have a beautiful life, now that we have a precious baby in the way, Matthew, you are truly the one and I knew it when I met you." You say.

You can see tears in his eyes.

"Okay, Do you, Matthew Lee Espinosa, take y/n to be your lawfully wedded wife?" The priest says.

"I do." He smiles

"Do you. (Your full name.) take Matthew Lee Espinosa to be your Lawfully Wedded Husband?"

"I do." I smile

"Okay, you may kiss the bride."

You both kiss deeply for like a minute.

You both pull apart and smile.

You can't believe that Matthew Lee Espinosa is your husband, but it's true.

The End

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