The aftermath

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normal pov

"can you please Just give me a little bit more time. As you can see I'm living in that apartment alone and paying for it on my own. Even with my job I can't pay it all off in one shot" I said.

"I'm sorry Aaeri but your payment is long overdue if you don't get it in by Monday I will have no other choice but to have your things removed" the landlord said.

"I understand" I say look down at the floor. I pains me that I won't be able to finish school here and I would have to call my brother to come help me move back home.

I gather my stuff and go out to look for a cheaper place to live or a good paying job.

To be honest I feel like I will have no luck but I still have try even if don't find anything today. I text my brother my situation and he sends me back a link. He leaves a note that he knows the person and that they are looking for someone to hire. It sends me to someones Instagram page and just seconds later I received a text from them.

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While I wait for him to text me a meeting place I shoot my brother a text thanking him for helping me but part of me feels like he wasn't ready to face me either

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While I wait for him to text me a meeting place I shoot my brother a text thanking him for helping me but part of me feels like he wasn't ready to face me either.

After a few minutes I made it to the meeting place and went to his Instagram page to see a photo of him so that I'd know who to expect. I seemed to be awhile though before he arrived. Was he busy? Did I interrupt his schedule?

"Hwang Aaeri?" A deep voice pulls me from my thoughts.

I turn around and came face to face with this stranger and felt a bit shy from his presence.

"Yes" I say.

"I'm Yeonjun. Hyunjin and I are really good friends and when he texted me he seemed worried for you, asking if I could help" He said.

"He shouldn't have asked you for help with my dilemma. I don't mean to cost you any trouble" I said.

"Aaeri it's okay I want to help you and honestly I could use the company right now" He said with a sad expression over his pretty face.

Wait what? Aish stop it you fool you just met him you don't know anything about him to be falling head over heels.

"Are you sure it's no trouble. It just makes me feel bad relying on someone who doesn't even know me for help" I said looking away feel ashamed.

"I'm sure of it. Don't feel bad and don't feel embarrassed. Your brother asked me to look out for you while you finish school here even if you choose not to work for me" He says.

I admire Hyunjin's effort but this is all too much for me. This guy doesn't know me at all and is willing to help me out just because he knows my brother. This makes me feel guilty in a way. I'm using him for my own gain but what is he getting out of this besides my company.... nothing.

"I'm sorry I don't know if I could do this. It feels wrong to be using someone for my own benefits" I say.

"Aaeri I can tell already that you're a good person with a kind soul. You are in a tough position tight now to be refusing a simple job. For what it's worth you can even stay at my place and move your things over there. I'm barely ever home because of work and when I am, I'm pretty much lonely" He said.

"Wait ha- You want me to just go live with you? How do I know you won't just kill me when we are out of public view?" I asked.

"Because I asked you're brother to come visit you every now and then" he said.

"and he's okay with this?" I asked.

"Yeah. Look if you need time to think this all over then I'll give you time but you don't have long before you have to pay rent from what he told me so the clock is pretty much ticking" He says.

He's right. I just wish my brother would've kept the details between us and not letting a stranger know everything about the situation.

"I'll think it over but I will tell you this. You can't tell my brother but I don't think either of us are ready to face one another after what happened to our parents" I said feeling the tears burn in my eyes as my cheeks and the tip of my nose burn with heat.

"I know he thinks the same of you which is why he asked me to look after you while he takes time to heal. I know it's hurting you both and I'm willing to be here for the both of you but you have to let me in first Aaeri" He said with such ease.

In many ways he is right but I just don't know if i'm ready to put my trust in anyone again let alone someone I just met. After some time he gives me his number and we bid our goodbyes. I head home and trying to think over all that just happened to me these last few weeks and what happened today. Not even Hyunjin is ready to face me and that's understandable. I wouldn't want to face me either. I look at my small apartment and see the notices of late rent and eviction. Sadly the job I have doesn't pay me enough to even make it a full month with the cost of food and utilities. Then again I could just starve and never eat again... tsk maybe just than I'll be able to make a comfortable living. ARGHHH! I just don't have any more options and truthfully Yeonjun would be the only option that I can take that'll allow me to attend this school. My parent worked so hard to help me afford it so would be a total let down and disrespect to their efforts if I had to leave and couldn't finish school in this school.

I stare up at the ceiling laying on my bed hoping a new option would arise for me tomorrow. I eventually feel my eyelids growing heavy and let the darkness consume me.

Word count:1093

A/N: Man that conversation though. Lmao. I hope you guys liked this one for the fact this chapter kept deleting on me and I would have to restart each time.

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